Best party ever!!!

Hi nerds
Last saturday we organized a party at our home and it was just great, over 150 ppl came and we had a great atmosphere. Its just great to make partys and the ppl like it and dance all night!

next party in 2 months or so!

peace out!!
hell yeah!
well this depends, sounds great but did anything got broke or damaged?
whats about your house....still standing? ;P
We also organised a party but out on the fields. We had two big tents, lights, music and around 120ppl dancin till 5 in the morning. At all there have been like 200ppl (some have been there from nine to twelve or came at twelve and stayed till the bitter end)
Fkin great party
and you actually think people give a shit about your personal live
I think its cool to make a journal every time after going to bar drink one beer!!
so people at crossfire dont think you are a nerd
Indeed! I feel like I need to prove something for all of you!!
slarto & nerd ? oh cant be true
best parties are at your friends house

never do your own houseparty
best parties are at an unkown's house, I do care a lil' bit bout my friends houses :P
and i do care a lil bit where im doin party ;) :P
haha yes, parties at unknown houses are even better :D
so WAYNE!!!
seriously, who gives a damn shit?
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