summer coming to my igloo

so almost all snow has melted only tiny bits of it outhere

and ice is crystal clear on the lake, so beautiful! i wish i had a camera

the worst thing that i cant drive snowmobile anymore and that i need to get my motorbike again which i had put away for teh winter ^^

those icy roads are a fucking suicidal now :O(

please let it come cold and snowy again
please shut up
tääl oo lumesta tietoakaan
Why you care about weather?
because I can
because he is nerd who look at window behind computer all day to look at girl?

Lol nvm its finland no girls

Edit: jk chmpp, i like you
Agree with you. Snow would be cool. Hate this part of the year
hähä still 10-15cm
ei ainakaa oulus
reilu parisataa kilsaa koilliseen niin kyä löytyy ;)
There is no such thing at Portugal :)

Been sunny/hot till yesterday (bit rainy and cold), but still i could use only a t-shirt.

Today looks it is going to be exactly as yesterday (i hate rain!!! )
ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! :D its annoying to walk to school in this cold weather :x takes only like 20 mins, but when you woke up recently its a pain in the ass
quit whining you fat nerd. when i was in school age i had to make my own path every day at 1m snow and did i complain about it? no, because oldschool > newschool.

I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!
"so stupid" lol, thanks for making my day with your idiotic reply.
mistä puskast tollane spede oikee hyppäs, kuka oot? :D
just just, menehän sinä räkänokka sinne kotiis pelaan wowii ja masturboimaan seiskan tähtityttöjä kattoen.
hehehee vieläki lollailen tolle sun kommentille

"I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!"

lol vitun vajakki! :'DD
ooks joku kovaki nörtti ku trollaat 24/7 crossfiree
oh freazing out there -.-
same @ israel
today the sun is shinning u gay nerd<3
Minor hoarfrost on the roads, propably will be gone during the day
11:12 from #SieWi - Tie 4; Oulu, Intiö kello 10:14: -3.2°C (tien pinta kuiva, pouta)
11:12 from #SieWi - Tie 4; Oulu, Kuivasjärvi kello 10:18: -3.0°C (tien pinta kuiva, pouta)
11:12 from #SieWi - Tie 4; Kempele, Ouluntulli kello 10:07: -3.4°C (tien pinta kuiva, pouta)

Brr :(
Wish I was living in Finland : (
take that back lol!
only rain here
its depressing and painful getting up in the morning these days. Luckily my housemates pulled an all-nighter for some coursework and left the heating on (hmmf gas bills) - at least it wasnt really cold getting outta bed.

and getting on a bike in the morning is depressing until u start to warm up, then its awesome cause your not cold for the rest of the morning and the blood circulation wakes u up.
i have a camera for you:
image: sony-a100-lightbox
with this objectiv
image: 24684596-300x300-0-0_Sigma_18_200mm_f_3_5_6_3_fuer_Nikon
or this
image: 150_500_apo_dg_os_hsm_gross

btw its my stuff
Can you show me 1 picture at 500mm without resizing etc?
image: Rothirsche-schreien-nicht-sie-bruellen-a18602721

this red stag was 250 meters away from me
rich parents?
no.. I bought the big objective by myself but the camera and the other objectiv I got last year for christmas
hmm... alrite
image: 532261

Just wtb your teleobjective, only rolling with a macro one atm
Upgrade your camera :P

and no money for some upgrades coz I bought the big sigma the day before yesterday.. :(
"enjoy the nature" so you go hunting? :DDD

Got a flickr account? Add me if you do :P
also, the 150-500 is a nice lens eh? :P
i am a hunter ;)
schnee would be nice... ah oh snow
hehe yeah ofc!! :)
pics or it didn't happen.

okay... ul them in the evening! tzz
You should come to visit Manchester and enjoy the overcast and wet weather, even in summer!

image: view-from-ardgour-1-overcast

This is generally what the sky looks like.
omfg u went as schoolgirl aswell :) what a coincidence
I think it may be hollingworth Lake.

image: hollingworth_lake_030

Anyway, college cu
then why the fuck were u dressed as a schoolgirl? :s
it just begin to snow here :o
Snow is awesome.
huh? u showed me some pics of it??u said that was u :s
i got some sun here :D
if u want me to su bout the schoolgirl dress, just tell me!!
thirty two :'(
U CAN TRUST ME, i havent posted a single pic on this site :) <333333

btw im at work atm :( no school xD
snow > sun
what city do you live? somewhere in the north i guess?
Flag: Sami
Fintards has snow? wtf, gimme some!
You can have one of these as your background LOL
Hmmm, lets get naughty :D
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