rtcw-live why not..

Hello, I've read some time ago that id software will make an ET-live if Quake-live makes a great succes. But to me it's abit strange because Wolf: ET is already free + the game is overplayed. I mean by that, you play all the time the same maps (oasis or goldrush and by after supply braun or delivery) for 6-7 years now.

If you remember RtCW was the best commercial succes of id software in 2k1 but the community/quantity of players is just like 1/3 or maybe 1/5 compared to Wolf: ET community.

So I really think that if id software make a RtCW-live, you will see a big succes because the gameplay is completly different and we have mutch more maps playable in competition.

And I don't talk about the return of oldschooler + newschooler, it can be amazing.

Just think about it. :)

edit: about retards who are replying "RtCW is dead", I'll tell you - thx4info - but I'm not talking about "RtCW" but about "RtCW-live". If you're lost in your life that not a reason to post random idiot reply in my splendid journal. Thanks in advance.

ps: bold = edit (because some of you don't understand something simple).
c'est vrai que sur rtcw, y'avait bcp de maps differentes (beach ice base), putain de toi jeje :X
donne moi ta clé toi histoire que je pub un peu :o
jen ai dja filé une a patriot jcrois et l'autre jsai pa ou elle é :C
mais fu



assault village sub frostbite hum déjà la ça fait plus que 3.

image: pedopumpkin240543
goldrush, bremen, oasis, radar
Plus personne jouent tes maps mec. L'idée est pas la de toutes manière vu que le random lowsenser de ET qui se ramene sur RtCW se fait atomiser. Ca lui donne un gros intérêt, celui d'apprendre a viser correctement et vu que son cheat marche pas ca lui donne encore plus de difficulté.
ca marche ds l'autre sens aussi! les highsensers sux sur ET et tant mieux pour eux, si ils roxent sur rtcw :-)
Bref t'as pas compris mon idée random. Pour le ETPlayer ca lui fait un jeu de la meme nature mais en meme temps nouveau a jouer, ca fait venir des anciens et nouveaux joueurs.
Le jeu est hyper stable et demande peu d'optimisation, les mods sont la et integrable (osp, wolftv)..

T'as compris mec? T'as intérêt sinon je jump ta soeur et lui fais du mariokart !
image: dancefuckrefoops
osef de rtcw de toute, ton gif rox par contre xd
haha putain toujours hq putain de toi
+1 for RTCW LIVE
+1 for RTCW LIVE
not gonna happen
who gave you this information?
To begin with i do think rtcw-live would be a good thing and i am aswell really passionate about rtcw. But still most of the things you write about et and such are nonsense and completely biased and you dont seem to really know what you are talking about.
I just talked about my xp and the both game, I played RtCW in a decent lvl at Wolf:ET too since thier beginning. So I can tell you that I think it would be a better solution.
i would prefer et-live
I mean by that, you play all the time the same maps (supply braun or delivery) for 6-7 years now.

Deliv was released like 2 years ago or something so it can't be 6-7
Also Supply and braun arent released since the starteither, so can't be played 6-7 years!
You do know maps like ice and beach (importet from rtcw) are way more played than the maps you say do you? Just not now anymore...

You sir, fail

And btw, when they released quake live, Q3 was still played pretty active, there are like 3 clans for RTCW right now and thats justnot enough, also et newschoolers won't play rtcw live because rtcw doesn't has hitsounds
I played RtCW after Wolf: ET at the beggining and at first it was oasis and goldrush at every pracc. You sir did'nt get my point.
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