Need a new show?

Then go start watching V.

Thats probably one of the best Pilots ive ever seen. The cast is ace and the story is great. I totally liked it!
Do not want!
DO WAN'T FO SHIZZAL. When i was little i watched the original series and i liked it alot :>
best pilot? lol
good episode? yes
flashforward as new show beats the crap out of this
Haven't seen V yet, but FlashForward fucking rocks! \o/
true, cant w8 for today's episode ^^ if there is one
just do final version of uv-moviemod XC but no watching crappy shows ;/
not gonna happen. project is dead
old shit is old.
and the cast is mostly unknown or minor US daytime TV-stars (not saying they suck) and the story is just another aliens look like humans and want to destroy us.
Californication!!! fucking awesome :D
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