Torchlight - beware

Torchlight is a cool game, but a warning to anyone who wants to try it out: pick the Very Hard difficulty. Normal is ridiculously easiy. Very Hard is more akin to the difficulty in WoW, for example.

Don't do what I did and play a few hours on Normal only to realize that you want to start all over on a harder difficulty because there is no challenge to be had.
Its p2p? :{
nope, no multi. but they're making MMO in torchlight's world :o
How to download the game then? :x its like BUY NOW 20€!
you might also want to download respec mod which unlocks respec potion allowing you to respend your skill points.
don't forget changing VALUE in mod's .dat file - respec potion costs 3k gp on hard.
It's 15k for me at the moment. I do not really care as I'll use it when I need it.

Btw, the max stack size mod seems nifty, too.
Well very hard is kinda boring, need to heal everytime after 10 enemies
I let my minions take the damage, and my pet's got a healing spell.
WoW is easycasualshit, so very hard is easycasualshit?
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