Huge PC Problem

Okay, so the other night I was playing ET normally on my PC, then after we were done, I shut it down and kept to the laptop for everything else until we were going to play again.

So the night we were going to prac, I turned my PC on, but it shut itself off immediately, it will not show anything on the monitor it shuts down so quickly, I've tried searching for ways to fix the problem but there has been nothing I could find, anybody here have a clue what to do?
so you can't even see the bios post text such as ghz, ram and hdd?
Nothing at all, the screen just remains blank.
put 1 ram out and try again
Had no luck, did not work.
clear the cmos then
(put the battery for like 5 mins out of the mainboard)
if this doesn't work check if the cpu cooler is attached properly :P
and if this still doesn't solve the problem then try a new power supply
you need to buy new supply imo.but better contact some service for more info :p
try other screen. and check the wires. if something is not plugged in alltheway in.

No other screen, and already checked the wires.
its not that huge
must be mother board D:
what about father board?:(
he left with the nanny !
made me lol :D
all your cables are plugged right? because it could cause fire when their not correctly plugged.. take some cleaner and remove all the dust in the inside and outside of your pc, re-toggle the motherboard & RAM, toggle out useless USB cables n stuff and it should work.. just try to discover everything on your PC and you'll find the problem and the answer soon! TBH Im not a PC expert but all the thing I just told are recommended by some PC company who told me and I use these tips everytime and it helps!

Best wishes
You see, by saying that about the cables plugged in correctly, and then saying the rest of it, kind of makes me not want to do it, just in case I do set it on fire.
Search for the cmos switch on your motherboard or look up on google how to clear cmos on your specific motherboard, that will fix your problem im pretty sure of that.
0. Check cables and windows error reports
1. replug ram
2. clear cmos and cache
3. Check your BootBlock
4. Update motherboard drivers
5. Update BI/OS
6. Update firmware
7. Replace powersupply and/or motherboard
8. Profit
what about overheating?

are you sure your CPU fan is running even?
does it feel hot? Maybe the CPU has just fried?
had similar problem. Removed ram
Already tried that, didn't work.
does it beep a few times or?
My system rebooted when there was the windows-load thingy.
I found out that it was a broken .dll
You just have to reinstall Xp and everything will be working again.
if not, its your hdd....
and check all your plugs !
and if that deosnt work just go to the shop where u have bought it.

and check if every cooler is workin !
How exactly am I going to reinstall XP if the PC doesn't even boot?
so u cant even go in bios?
As I said in the main post, and then in a reply near the top of it, no.
sry i was too lazy to read - no idea then sry ...
lol just got the same shit, prolly super virus
0. Check cables and windows error reports
1. replug ram
2. clear cmos and cache
3. Check your BootBlock
4. Update motherboard drivers
5. Update BI/OS
6. Update firmware
7. Replace powersupply and/or motherboard
8. Profit
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