lol que morning journal

so i just arrived at my work and after my two easy wins in hon pcw yesterday naight iam pretty happy and motivated.

going to be a short day hopefully, since our sprint ends today and we have to further discuss what we will do in the next 2 weeks :-).
what are your plans for today? imma going to the gym after work and than watch some dvd's with friends or play another hon with noobs like gr0ss

shoutouts to #hon.offi
morning stranger :p basicly im planing to.... hmm duuno need to wake up fully first, take a shower, then proly some shoping, and after im going to relax all day :D
3 2 1 und los noch ein Fehler 250€ 250€ für sie der football ist raus da ist noch ein fehler 250€ für einen fehler 250€ plus ne playstation 3 für den nächsten da ist noch ein fehler der football ist weg 250€ sicher plus ne playstation 3 wo ist der fehler im rechten bild 250€ sofortgewinn und ps3 für den nächsten da ist noch ein fehler der football ist raus.....

pro7 werbung :D
what is this game anyway :-~<
3h of school until 1pm, then 4 hours nerding(trackmania?), another hour of school 4pm

dunno what 2do in da evening
Came back from school, some breakfast now, prolly just nerding till evening and to the work at 19:00.

Sober weekend coming \o/
last day at work before my 2 weeks off.
goin on vacation tomorrow, first gonna be on the north sea (storm, rain + cold incoming) then being in hamburg for 3 days including g4y music (lion king).

maybe meeting cuttyP irl @ teh norf sea. if I only found his mobile phone number, and he hasn't been online for a week now :X guess he got cold feet!

brb in a week.
You bastard, you are on holiday all the time! It makes me doubt this German efficiency which they talk about...
well, I am so efficient I can go on holiday 30 days / year! and today I will finish 12.45....

Aaaaaah. so goooooooooood :D
Efficient = your opinion
Useless = your boss´s opinion
Awesome = my opinion
wtf cunt, you've got 2 weeks holiday??? SO DO I??!?!?!?!!?:DD

i'm so gonna sleep like OVER 9000 hours every day!!! and then snowboard as much as i can ^_^. w00t t00t
north sea....?
"morning", i'm back from work and got weekend now, yay!
i'm maybe going to get some sleep, then maybe going to the skatepark, probably going to wash some clothes and definately going to the shop and to a wg-party later.
Feel asleep early last night and woke up at 3am; been awake since. I have played some ET, listened to some of an audio book (George Eliot's Mill on the Floss), and worked on an essay too. I think I will go back to bed in a minute to read some more of Colm Toibin's The Master. I am officially on holiday now, at least for a week anyway so I plan to do as little as possible.
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