soz man even iam still not active iam caring about ET;D Iam trying to help CB to get bots and i sended allready a few to killerboy but this twikii guy thought that i used it or bought it for myself (H) I had a few talks with Adawolfa to give me a bot what i would send to killerboy like i did before. Iam only helping the ET scene a bit even i know that iam a excheater and still banned what was my own stupid fault ( i ofc knew that that bot was dettected but i was sad about ET blabla)

i hope you didnt realy think that i cheated!!


why did you create this journal if you care about et?
sense - this reply makes none
i know her :X
u know Elizabet too? :X or lyk wtf :XDDD (i dont think she likes wut u did! :D)
no I don't know her :/
just found her by googling "ins"

image: facebookINS3108_468x640
bad for u! :D
she has some more sexy stuff on her facebook! :D
nice lying:))))) those pics are published on the inet cuz this girl lost her camera, then those pic where published on facebook, and then she was scheduled as a porn star
lol dude, she is not a porn star. and i can give u her facebook :S :\.
because she missed her camera ppl started to talk crap like shes porn star and stuff, u wanna read the article? translate it to english lol
no, i know wut ur talkin about.
the truth is that she is not a pron star, i know her personally :X
gtfo u tard fucker moron
edited :D
Correct me if im wrong. But if you say you are clean again, it means you weren't for a period.

I know you didn't cheat though :)
i never cheated in any officials or wars only in public a few*: D times before my ban!
a view times!
ja het aantal keren dat hij op pbbans staat omdat hij al detected was 3 of 4x
dat noemt dus few
i know man, just saying that the title is written in such a way :p
vroeger stond ik op nC list wat achterna ook niet goed bleek te zijn daarom again :)
Stfu tard.
this post made my day :D
soz man even iam still not active iam caring about ET;D Iam trying to help CB to get bots and i sended allready a few to killerboy but this twikii guy thought that i used it or bought it for myself (H) I had a view talks with Adawolfa to give me a bot what i would send to killerboy like i did before. Iam only helping the ET scene a bit even i know that iam a excheater and still banned what was my own stupid fault ( i ofc knew that that bot was dettected but i was sad about ET blabla)
soz man even iam still not active iam caring about ET;D Iam trying to help CB to get bots and i sended allready a few to killerboy but this twikii guy thought that i used it or bought it for myself (H) I had a view talks with Adawolfa to give me a bot what i would send to killerboy like i did before. Iam only helping the ET scene a bit even i know that iam a excheater and still banned what was my own stupid fault ( i ofc knew that that bot was dettected but i was sad about ET blabla)
soz man even iam still not active iam caring about ET;D Iam trying to help CB to get bots and i sended allready a few to killerboy but this twikii guy thought that i used it or bought it for myself (H) I had a view talks with Adawolfa to give me a bot what i would send to killerboy like i did before. Iam only helping the ET scene a bit even i know that iam a excheater and still banned what was my own stupid fault ( i ofc knew that that bot was dettected but i was sad about ET blabla)
soz man even iam still not active iam caring about ET;D Iam trying to help CB to get bots and i sended allready a few to killerboy but this twikii guy thought that i used it or bought it for myself (H) I had a view talks with Adawolfa to give me a bot what i would send to killerboy like i did before. Iam only helping the ET scene a bit even i know that iam a excheater and still banned what was my own stupid fault ( i ofc knew that that bot was dettected but i was sad about ET blabla)
soz man even iam still not active iam caring about ET;D Iam trying to help CB to get bots and i sended allready a few to killerboy but this twikii guy thought that i used it or bought it for myself (H) I had a view talks with Adawolfa to give me a bot what i would send to killerboy like i did before. Iam only helping the ET scene a bit even i know that iam a excheater and still banned what was my own stupid fault ( i ofc knew that that bot was dettected but i was sad about ET blabla)
Ik wou het gewoon niet geloven! <3
ok, I dont know you!
you were sad about ET :(

how cute :(
lol sure

oki grapje geloof het niet :D
sad loser :D
im sad about et once in a while too :(
soz changed it :P
Ow please ...
:D schrok je al ;D
sorry to say so but it's getting old :(
hacker :<

but why would killerboy put you on the list if you 2 worked together? :s

i guess some cbadmin has to approve your journal for trustworthyness ;P
killerboy didnt make the list that was twikki..
wouldnt he be very surprised to see you on the list ?
please killerboy asked twikki 4 times that he was sure about me and twikkiy said yes :) he only posted it
fuck off already
thats so fuckin unfair, cuz lyk, all i need 2 do is 2 send kb some hax and i can get busted whenever I want and still play cb esl etc?

doesn't make sense 2 me
he wasnt busted for using that cheat.. he was busted for buying it.
lol man, listen 2 urself, thats super lame, he is busted just as same as the other pHook customers, nothing more nothing less.
u cant prove the other customers are busted for using the hack, only for buying it!
in fucking deed, anyway you can't argue with those ppl, to retarded to understand the logic...
fuck off
FU lou cheater. you are clean like shit
man dont ruin cheaters fun!! i mean getting a bot and going on a jaymod would be fun :p
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