Snapped my headset

in rage!!!! So I'm after a new one.

I want one that goes on the ear with a good bit of padding, such as the 5H V2. ANy suggestions and links to sites to buy them? UK sites pref!

Budget is £60
buy etbot rather than a headset
buy smth with bass in it 8D, sick of my sennheiser HD 201 without bass, they are sharp and shit but no bass is no win tbh

i've small ones for about 60$ Sennheiser player earphones, they are better than my sub-woofer 8D

oh ye, here they are

image: 41128921

ipod 8gb nano + thouse earphones = epic win
Don't see a mic :D Need a headset for my gaming and PC :D

I have a pair of Bose for my iPod which I spent £70 on so I'm OK in that department!!
yea well, i use a table microfoe for 1$, and my HD201's, i'd use thouse small sennheisers but im afraid im gonna destroy them :d
take the 5hv2!
Please listen to me when I say this.

Go for a table mic/clip on and go for a good pair of headPHONES.

Personally i'd recommend the sennheiser HD555s, a little out of budget but i love these things.
OT: Does souncard really matter if you have just headphones with one-line input?
yes, every sound card will improve the quality of, even shit, headphones. even if you have really good headphones, which should deliver really good quality sound, you will not hear a difference between them and mediocre ones until you won't buy a new sound card.

Razer headsets, SteelSeries ones and that Creative Fatal1ty don't qualify for this, you will hear a difference with a sound card, but not a big one.
Maybe I'll get a good card for my new pc then. Although It's another 150 euro with a pair of headphones. :S
huh? I got the Asus Xonar DX and trust me, I know what I'm buying ;) and I bought it for 300 PLN which are about 75 EUR
Yea I was looking at some x-fi card around 70 euro and then ~100 euro for hps.
im still rocking out with a SB Live!, but i will update it soon, the guy that replyed to you is right, don't expect a MIND blowing difference, but some cards do make an awful difference.
image: Audio_365-2

Plantronics Gaming Headset

pick them up from pc world for like 20 quid dean. ive had em over a year, bassy and pretty clear
sennheiser pc 160 for that budget
too lazy to look for a site
Logitech Digital Precision
Speedlink medusa 5.1 is very comfortable and has clear sound.

I had the usb model but my mom crushed the control thingy in between the cord and now either the headphones work or the microfone. =/
who needs a headset when you got palehook
I need in order to get my inbox filled and feel popular for once in my life.
Be sure to not listen to that JZaK guy!

image: wk1ule
Can I ask why you recommend these, yet have some PC350s yourself?
not only, I hate the PC350, though I use them for gaming - just because of the handy microphone; I'm too lazy to use some decent head phones together with a microphone which isn't in the front of my mouth.

Well, I'm an happy owner of the Sennheiser HD555, Creative Aurvana X-Fi and Philips SHP 8900 but I had absolutely very nice experience with every of those head phones listed above.
Basically I'm doing it like this, I'm buying me a pair of those and I have a week to test them out, after that period of time I can bring them back to the shop without a reason and request my money back :)
Hah - that is pretty cool.

Yeah, the Hd555s are awesome, but i want to mod them
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