ET.exe 2.60b!!11!

Hello can anyone upload it for me?

I've had a lil virus and it infected several of my .exe files so they had to get deleted... Rather than doing a complete reinstall I hope one of the fellow crossfireteers can upload me one!

I'd be grateful if one did.

Also, my explorer.exe is broken and it doesnt work anymore :p Doing everything with taskmanager now...

Greetings and:

image: pornart1
just reinstal windows imo :P

what virus?
Hmm, some virus that installed a fake antivirus:
Windows System Defender ( I think it was)

20~30 infected .exe files which had to be deleted
Blocking some antivirus scanners, upon execution it would give a BSoD
Among the infected .exe files was explorer.exe

Now because my explorer.exe doesn't work, it doesn't start up all programs, and my backup software is unable to execute after selecting a back up:
I select a backup and it requires a restart to apply it, but when I restart nothing happens, a bunch of software simply does not start up and can't apply it.

Also my DVD drive is broken so I have to wait 'till I can lend a friends external DVD drive before I can reinstall Windows again.
fail :D, anyway I had some reader_s virus a while ago that attached to pretty much every .exe file on my pc, had to reinstal windows to get rid of it, there was no other way :(
I got rid of it afaik. Virus can't do shit without explorer.exe working xD
It sure can! Registery editing :O) explorer.exe is just the graphical stuff behind the W O/S :)
Point is, after explorer.exe stopped working in total, I've had no shitty virus shit going on.
:Dd, could be some other program thats just running or you got the same epic virus I had
20-30 is nothing
my friend just got a decent antivirus and scanned his pc
took 2+ hours and came back with like 950 or so infected files
sounds like time for format if you got a virus :P

but can't u just DL the et.exe, I mean it isn't something you should install, you just replace it
That's what I said, wanted someone to upload it for me, but this is great! Thanks :)
latest et.exe is in the 2.60b patch.

But why shouldn't the virus infect your new exe?
and infected exes can cause bluescreens...
Afaik I cleared the virus.

BUT, the virus doesn't do shit unless explorer.exe is booted up. And that's broken so... :)

Everything works great btw, memory usage and cpu usage is completely stable it's just that explorer.exe is broken.
kaum hat er internet schon isser am spamen :P
Ich korrigiere dich:
schnelles internet...

Ich hatte davor so 3-5kb up-/down-stream. ^^

Und ich würde eher sagen, kaum hat Snorfiets internet, saugt der sich nen Virus... xD
daarom kon ik dus gisteravond niet spelen :P
i owned with rifle yesterday :D
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