Ok, since i m visiting this site barely i have to make some attentionwhoring now.
Well, I'm pretty sure about that not many of you know but
since i left ET for CA, I'm one of the best players in that game.

Used to play many wars, but ESL was new for us and for the team
i have chosed for Team-Hungary, so it started bad.
First losing to spain was not a surprise since i know them from
the begining and they are a really skilled team, but then
losing to Italy was something we couldnt really stand.

Anyway we played the first 2 matches without our best player,
now he is back and we made a fucking close game with germany (16-14)
and then pwned Lithunia (18-8) and now absolutely destroyed Greece (20-0).
Against greece we made history since there was no 20-0 in the game yet, only
noshows... but against us they were there haha.

After the bad start our aim to get the 4th place and get through from the groups.
Its easy because we played all of our hard matches, now bulgaria is coming. should be an easy bash.


Sometimes i still check crossfire, would be cool to get here the CA community too.
Anyone here playing CA? Anyone playing ET? Opinions about the new wolf? I heard it sux...

i will never forget that i was raised up in ET haha ^^
my old mates are still here? :) uf0l, vArgen, uniX, miXer ... (too many to mention)

image: 45117422
we need ESL NC in et.
never heard
sorry to say this but vArgen is dead.
hey mr nordlund :D

playing any games nowadays? :)
ye, mostly playing HoN :P
is it any good? barely heard of it, now checking youtube videos...
ye its good, way better than the old dotA :)
whats ca?
hi :)

nice ;)
win98 ?
magyarázd már el a poént kérlek.
im pretty good in combat arms :)

owned the publics
I have the ErrorCode = PI, 30022 for months now :(
This error code is shown only on the North America Combat Arms service.

If you try to connect to the North America server from countries where the service is unavailable the error code "ErrorCode= PI, 30022" will be shown.

You may be using the client for North America service, or you might have manipulated your client to connect to the North America Combat Arms service.

Reinstall the client downloaded from the link below.
lol i'm feeling stupid :P
isnt that another shit free game where u can buy stronger weapons with real money ?
Yep. And not only that - even stronger characters and pretty much everything else what ruins gameplay there!
ye, but at official leagues its forbidden.
Electronic Sports League is currently offline.

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
I'd say that this game is already doomed with all those BM items which pretty much ruin the gameplay as it was before Specialists ... The game slowly dies with all that "pay pay PAY" stuff, not listening to community and so on. It was cool for a while until most players realized that Nexon simply don't care of what players need - they try now to squeeze the MAX out of game with micro payments (every new patch basically ads tons of new shiny crap stuff in Black Market and just few lines with "oh, yeah, some minor bug fixes here and there, nothing to deal with growing cheater crowd ...") before it gets abandoned because of cheaters and simply lack of balance between those who pay and those who don't for the in-game stuff.
yeah, thats why more and more pros moving to leagues and not quitting simply.
Leagues also don't deal with possible aimbotters, for example :) Also in the NC cup we had game protest vs. Netherlands where one of the players were using not allowed weapon (Frag Pack or smthn). Yeah, we know that it's not a great deal, but still the fact that they were caught just by really randomly lucky equality screen capture, made us kind of sad pandas .. :(
well if you see germany, itzkim is using humanized aimbot. and i guess not he is the only one. anyway, CA is a pretty good game and i enjoy it, mainly now that we are on ESL.

even if it has a lot of mistakes too.
is it still full of cheats? last time i played with you we had to play over 4 matchs vs speedhackers until we found a normal war, where they whined about us cheating
It is.

But now also there are quite a lot of Elite Moderators which at one point is good thing - kicks the obvious hackers. But the bad thing is - usually EM's are lowskillers and wannabe's who will kick anyone who dares to shoot him or to get "Fantastic" ... or to get >2 K/D in one map ... Or if they just don't like your rank ... or flag. :D
lol fuck. thats why you and loland were so familiar to me!
QuoteI'm one of the best players in that game

Says a lot about that game.
haha fuck you fuzz.

i see you learnt to read. did you like catch 22?
nexon got connections with HA. :-S
I played it for some weeks but on public servers it's way to easy. It seems like ET is way harder to play and to kill...
haha you would wonder how many times i heard this from an ET player

everyone left because its too easy, np4me etc...
But it was fun... but just not that fascinating that you can keep playing it like ET...
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