CC7 blabla

WHEN IS the CC7?

Got any One a Forum Topic or a Journal?

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Search > All > CC7 But it found nothing...

Sri for Engrish
cu there
i'm still not liking the 5v5

and it'll probably be really horrid 5v5 with rifle and shit

if it means i actually have space to put my keyboard and mouse on my desk it might _possibly_ be worth it although honestly i didn't mind playing russian style

e, also,
Quotethe community will be vaguely settled in their rulesets and basic mods
YE WHY NOT?!?!?!!
Sorrrrrrhyyyyy!!! :(
kheb vakantie, dalijk weer ff een dutje doen :((((((
Et is 5on5 now?
It's 6o6 but they are doing 5o5 so more tams can sign up.
alleen cc7 :D
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