ET - OS Issue

When I connect to any ET 2.6b Server, I get an error message, it sounds like this:
(ui_mp_x86.dll) Pure check failed.

I don't fucking know whats the problem I installed this UltimateInstaller 1.6beta pack,
because I formated my Computer I'm currently using Vista Home Prem.

Hoping for solutions,
thanking you kind guys in advance,

E: Problem solved, thank you all!
click ET shortcut whit right mouse button and choose run as administrator
and perhaps he has to run it as winXP programm. faint check the properties of et.exe
how about re-installing etpro
Installed win7 x64 3 days a go myself, had to:
Rightclick the shortcut or the exe, select properties->compability and check "run as administrator" and "Run in compabilitymode as.." I selected Vista SP2, but guess it doesn't mather.
the problem is pb :P anyway try to do what Qmm saied ;d
Nah its not pb... he doesnt kicked by pb, but game error...
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