One can wonder

Why ET has dropped in activity over the last few months..

The anti-cheat system being put on a hold? We've been talking about Anti-Pro for almost two years now and there's still nothing stable send out.

Playing the same maps over and over again? Imho some new competative maps would really do the trick, not such a long time ago we've send out 4 maps and threw them into different oneday cups and tested them, none approved of them since they're not being played at all.. After 5 years of playing Supply Depot its still one of the most played maps, does is have its reasons why? Is it that well balanced or are we just to autistic to change our ways ?

The cheaters? With todays bot-coding we're all very keen on saying "OMG HE CHEATS" after just one 'lucky' action instead of really wondering wether or not it might just be luck?

EC & OC's activity has mayorly been dropped and so has the coverage, why is that.. RtCW is making a bit of a comeback with the xmas cup, but will that promote any of the old teams to make a comeback? Such as rewind did? If so will they come back to ET aswell, to give us a promising headstart once more.. If for example Rewind makes its comeback, will other teams see it as a opportunity to follow their footsteps?

Can we save ET for another couple of years again ? Cause as far as I remember people have been saying ET is dead since 2006 and nearly 4 years later we're still standing, I guess we can say ET is one of the most balanced multiplayer competative games there is made, keep it up and don't let it die.

Another CrossfireChallange with playofs? Dividing teams into groups by letting them qualify online ?

If u've got more suggestions on how to prolongue ET share them!
Yes ET dies after EC like in the last 5 years.
How can we stop this from happening? Organise an alternative like OC, EC after the season's over? A small cup of one match a week untill the next EC starts, to inspire people to move on ?
anti-pro and we are good to go
It's never going to die. Even if there are no cups people will always be in the IRC channels looking for games.
It's dead for me, just not enoyable with the 35-40% pb uses every 3 seconds..
Well done for pointing out the obvious and also saying what everyone has been saying for years.
Another lowskill who joined to the scene 2 weeks ago is worried of ET's future, this is way too funny.
Shut the fuck up already.
I've been arround ET for 4 Years man, shush, admitfully I am low though
Quote4th at EC some years back

I meant OC 5th div
ah and that's the reason why you write 4th at ec? k.
Because it gets boring to play the same maps in a war for the 24294th time. After a few years you've seen/did it all.

And yes a new map will get you focused maybe (if its a good one) for a few weeks/months and then its the same story.

And no I didn't read that wall of text -_-
I remember people saying ET is dead back in 2005
I remember the same =D
Nice read.
I was playing in 2003-2004 and the best time for ET was 2005, great ETTV matches and teams were SKILLED. Now it's full of polaks and cheaters, people have no time for this shit. Most of the people that played ET have grown up and do not have as much interest in games. No 12 year old is going to come to ET when all his friends are playing Call of Duty MW 2.
I'm here!
Thanks for opening our eyes.
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