Steelseries Xai

Anyone knows a site where the Steelseries Xai is a lot cheaper than the actual price ? I prefer a site in the Belgium, but others, like Holland etc, are also welcome.


Seems overkill for a mouse tbh. I mean, they've even got an LED display on the bottom. Wtf is the point in that!?

It seems to be €70+ on pretty much every online retailer too.
The point is its plug and play and you dont need drivers, i.e for lans etc, and its not the first mouse to have this.
Why on the bottom though?
Cause the switches are on the bottom for changing DPI and HZ, wouldnt make much sense to have them on the top.
According to the pics the buttons are on the sides and top, whereas the display is on the underside. Doesn't make much sense to have to change the DPI and then turn the mouse over to check out the fancy LCD to confirm that it's what I want.

image: 2170-2663

Unless I'm just not getting it?
it's not hard to roll the wheel and look at minilcd at once >_>
you have 5 profiles, each has 2 dpi modes changeable with a button near the wheel, isnt that enough to set and forget about it?
Yep, was more making a point about the fact that it's retarded to have an LCD display on the underside of a mouse though :/
Ordered mine yesterday! Can't wait to try it! Mine cost £60
without BTW ? :O
[dutch] btw = belasting toegevoegde waarde, die ier gaat da zeker verstaan ;) [/dutch]
60 pond he das meer dan 70 euro
ik wil die Xai ook maar hijs zo kankerduur xD
get a job
Ofc, I'm 15 and next week, I'm going to work in a cole mine factory ... Lul dude, I did had a vacancy job, but 70 euros for a mouse ? No tnx, I'm gonna wait a bit and spend my money on sth else.
hayhay :D <3333333333
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