Polish power!

polish history
Very nice and funny comics! :)
hhahaha idd funny... polish history is so tragic... from one of mightest countrys in the world to non existing one :<
Polish history isn't funny, right. It is about... realization?
poland you are is my hero
poland you are is my hero
United Kingdom no i'd rather drink my faggy tea :D:D
its not funny at all, I remember some utube video about Poland hisotry, which make me proud of been Polish.

but cmon, we ve done so many important things, world would look tottaly different w/o Poland, and now, who we are? Failure in my eyes.
you're just too serious
im just in my poetic, emo mood, forgive me:D
i blame poland for ww2.
bad sarcasm...
i blame austria for ww2
Polish history isn't funny. It`s tragic. Imo From hero to zero. (Saved Western Europe from Turkey attack and then got conquered by russian, german and austria :<) Sad but true.
Polish Power! :DD
polak wegier dwa bratanki ^^
He wrote the lite version of a quite popular historic adage , which is surely positive, so don't worry ;) It's a very nice rhyme in Polish

Here's the full version:

Polak, Wegier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki

translation: Pole, Hungarian, two brothers (impossible to translate bratanki, basically it's a softer way to say brothers), to the saber and to the glass (i means and but it would destroy the sense of this in English :p)
Isn't "polish power" an oxymoron?
Buddylist (Add Buddy, Ignore, Send PM)
No buddies.

think again.
Quote by Austriagive land

i assume i said the same as u did :P

look on the explanation above my comment
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