Simple viewer, anyone?

Is anyone here known with the photo album Simple viewer? When i test it on my localhost it works, but when i upload it (filezilla) to my website i only see 3 out of 9 images. Maybe something with Hotlink protection but where can i change that stuff, my webhost is

I checked file names because i saw on a forum somewhere that jpg isnt the same as JPG so i changed all the file names.

Im rly stuck here and dont know what to do :(
That would be so great to have some sort of website where you could find info on the internet, like typing something in a search box, and then it searches the entire internet and you eventually find an answer to your problem.
Man that would be so neat.
OH I think you can be happy, i just found such a site, named
Have you ever heard of it? I don't. But let's give it a try!
certainly some new bullshit
wont trust it

crossfire knows everything anyway
Yup i searched already but still have the same problems, retard
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