Fuck HoN

No not really. Its an awesome game, if you never tried DOTA, i suggest giving it a try. It reminds me a lot of oldschool games, pretty simple gamerules which allow for an endlessly complex game.

Anyways, been playing the game for a couple of days now and I need some input on my Puppet Master build :D

Lvl whiplash as much as possible, only level puppet hold to 1 to escape ganks. All the rest in stats, I usually take ulti at lvl 6 but theres plenty of times i wait with ulti till late game.

rune of blight + boots.
I try finishing enhanced marchers while building some extra regen (2 regen rings + mystical vest + helm of regen)

At that point I either start going for sacrificial stones to boost my max HP or I finish the barrier idol for more regen.

After i got extra HP and a decent regen running I usually go for these items:
shieldbreaker = kills armor, great for fast attack low damage hero
hellflower = extra attack, damage, intelli + can cast silence
insanitarium = extra damage, attack speed

I usually play aggresive harassing at start, go uberdefensive at mid game to go all out in the end.

Any tips / feedback on my current build would be nice :D As I said before, im a total noob so some advice would really be appreciated,

Some questions:
*What do pros do? Go for a bottle on every build? I feel like ward of blight is plenty for early game and I got enough money to buy marchers, which i can upgrade at the secret shops instead of running all the way back to town.
*Where can I watch pro hon games :D ?
*Is anyone interested to start a team?

Yours truely,
I like you!
boots at the beggining on puppet = noob
http://www.honstrategyguide.com/guides/puppet-master-guide/ here is an okay guide for puppet
your build sucks :x
finished a game 5-0-9 last night with that build :D
yeah on some noob game i guess :p
they all had +1500psr :D eventhough that doesnt say shit. I guess thats the two major drawbacks of this game:

1) playing with other noobs = frustrating. It has happened several times im at bot or up and the guy im playing with just doesnt care. Even worse, they let you die and steal the kill once you are in respawn.

2) the rating system plainly sucks. As its a team game, you can play an awesome game and still loose. The psr scores dont say shit imho.

Next to that I think the game is really solid. No bullshit, no random storylines, no cash cow, no DLC. A game by gamers for gamers :) And fuck Activision and all those other big companies :)
just check for k / d ratio says more than the psr
gl playing one hero only
I failed in my first game against PC. Quit after that...
Added you @ hon, first i added overdrive then i saw 300/200 kills, was like no way then added evirdrevo and 140/300 kills , guessed thats u!
a ty jak mash ? :(
I used bottle when I was serious noop ( tbh there's no difference when I went with Bottle only or with 3x runes + boots ).Anyway keep runes till you get helmet of black legion. It will give you much needed protection and hp regeneration. Int heros suck imo , not so many int. boosts compared to agility heroes.
image: behe_chronos

and for overdrive, check the premium guide section on the hon forum, i would personally avoid early statpoints as your spells are fairly powerfull for the team (but yes, level whiplash fast for farming)
Bottle for mid, dont bother otherwise. Attack speed = important attribute, more so than regen. If your mid + can control runes you wont need regen much anyway - in theory.
I have yet to pick up my first rune :D I've seen them lying around but i guess you need the bottle to pick them up?
Well, you can just click on them and then you'll automatically use them. Or with an empty bottle you can pick them up and save them. The good thing about that is you can then make use of a completly refilled bottle once you do actually use the rune.
you can pick them when they spawn AND you can store them with the bottle
i'd pwn your puppet master build with luger
No you wouldn't since it would be on ETTV and so you will go braindead + aimless.
Should I pwn you with blood hunter or will you shut the fuck up?
You cud try though.
I feel a one day crossfire HoN tournament coming our way this weekend. Just need an admin or two :)
premium puppetmaster guide:

and i highly suggest reading this guide for soulstealer because it has a large part about being a rune whore and using your bottle effectively.

also you really shouldn't start with naked bottle, i prefer buying stats and runes in the start to give myself some more health and base damage to make last hitting easier and farming on low level faster. The first thing i farm is a bottle though.

also the soulstealer guide will teach you why whining to your team for wards is necessary.
stopped reading at boots first item
start : 6x runes + 2 bracelets (at least the crowns),
finish them then go for boots + assasin and then dmg only.
enhanced marchers, assasins shroud (or alchi)
savage mace, shieldbreaker, demonic breastplate

in the past the double critt was nice but now you shouldn't go for riftshafts anylonger
its like the worst guide ever m8

begining : +3int, 3 minors 2x blights

then go for 1.ench marchers 2. 2x bracs 3.shieldbraker/harkons blade 4. elders parasite

sometimes hellflower and assasin shroud is useful as well

about skills - max whiplash first, at 6th u shall have 1p in 1st, 1p in 2nd 3p in 3rd and 1 in ulti
then go for puppet show
i niechybnie giniesz zjedzony przez
image: predator
overdrive never boots at start
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