Hmm, got some probs with messenger.

Ok, got this problem ( pic down there ). Uhm, it appears everytime when (and keeps popping up for like 15-50 times before opening msn) i fully close msn or when i reboot and i want to open it :< Any ideas? it's pretty new live messenger - update 14 or smth

Anywayz, the pic:

image: hmmbug
It would be better if you paste the "What does this error report contain" text
ali rebingud
kindlad muuvikad
ali rebingud on väga hea ! :)
well, poju, kui sa ei tea, mis need on, siis oled sa ilmselgelt vaene poiss ning väga suurest hulgast naljast ilma jäänud.

2nd, see on kulturismi_õpik. Ehk siis Indrek Otsuse raamat.
miks te täna nii kuri olete
sest su mõttetust kommentaarist ei olnud absoluutselt kasu ning selle oleks võinud enda teada jätta, mis iganes mõtted sul peas olid, seda vastust kirjutades
Disable error reporting.
Go into your Control Panel and tick the box "Disable errors".
cant help,not using msn
kopeeri "ali rebingud" siia, vaatab äkki leiab sealt midagi millest on abi
Kasuta amsni.
Disable the error reporting service, or just don't use msn.. it's only for fagotts anyways.
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