Why not Brink?

Even if we hate cod6, we do like to talk about cod6 (in negative sense). others (those who like cod6) want to talk about cod6 or want to justify that the game isnt shit. Every now and then, theres atleast one journal/news on cod6. Its just giving enuf publicity to the game. So why not create hype about Brink as well?

So far we know a very lil about brink though theres enuf info out. BelgiumKrosan has been actively adding news, journals (watever) about cod6. So why not Brink?

Now u wil saying why so serious about Brink? coz Brink is the only FPS online MP game that seems decent in the coming time. And ofc its being developed by Splash Damage who r the dev of our lovely game ET too as we all know ;)

If Brink is shit...then lets discuss bout that too :D

EDIT: btw never knew distributors gonna b Valve with their lovely Steam.

P.S. First journal :P
shit game is shit
it's because there isn't much info coming out everyday about brink? we also got 2491842190 answers from Rahdo atleast... game comes out in 4/5 months, not 1 week.
well becuz a lil info jus isnt enuf.

to say it in your own stupid words. omfg...
brink looks like a comic
no no no, it looks like a nicon
no no no, it looks like a TheDuck
no no no, it looks like a PmBb
no no no, it looks like a shmoesn
advertising and the so called "hyping" of a product is a tightrope walk of its own kind. We've all seen projects,games and what else failing or successing and not rarely the way of its advertisement prior to the release made the significant difference.

Be it that you underhype your quality product and thus fail to create the community it deserves or that you overhype a bitched thing with potential to become something great afterall but killing it before you had the chance to fix it.
There isn't anything to write news on at this moment in time.

Last news was at the Eurogamer events in Leeds and London, I went and saw the demo at the Leeds one, was pretty promising, still not sold on the art direction though, I'm all for use of colour and so but the player models are just urgh...
it's the age of the sacred terror
Brink might very well be good, but its release date is still far isn't it?
ur a twat rooflohohohohozord wtf lollol
ok and why?
u got owned fintard nerd :XD
wanna dry my tears ;'( ?
call of duty modern warfare 2
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