i has key what will u offer for it?
rtcw key needed :-(
14 Nov 2009, 00:13
help a jew get a legit key! heard steam is selling keys but its like 20e so gtfo, offline its 5e! but i want a key asap! :(
if u dont have one... well u should die of something
Dont get those people who think they can randomly get any key from somehow who actually paid for it. Sadly there are enough persons who give out their keys for free to some more or less known people...
my key is not randomly made. Its legit and works
your reply makes 0 sense
i know but i started to hear voices in my head that i need to reply and reply and they wont stop. Just took another dose of pills but its getting worse
so gimme the key, that will heal u!
but they do get eventually, i got lots of cs and css accounts like that, always gave it back/stopped using when they needed it, plus.. i only need it for a while.. not even for the cup :\
yeah lol but how can you trust someone over the internet to give the key back after some time, im sure there are enough ppl who wouldnt do that