noob needs help yupyup

well ED just invited me to HoN...
but i have to say that i didnt understood shit :DDD

so, could someone spent some time and help me a lil bit with it? explain me some stuff and shit ....

ger guy would be nice, but english is also ok!

thx in advance...
since you whine
here is a pic for you

image: 24392077
a great idea for a t-shirt : D
image: 93503336
Not that good tbh.
Barbed Armor 2700 $

Gives damage return active ability. Good on, no heroes, not even Legionarre. Its worthless, stay away from this at all costs.


this shit tells enough about that guide. its shitty anyway even if you ignore that. there really arent any GO THIS WAY guides because it depends on enemy heroes what you should make.
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