120Hz compared to 60Hz or even 75Hz is a huge difference and for me the difference is like 5% in accuracy in ET (dunno how to tell it otherwise :D). The game just runs soooo much smoother with higher refresh rate. But it's hard to believe, you just have to see and experience the difference yourself.
Atm I got samsung 2233rz which is an LCD with 120 Hz. It isn't as good as CRT, but good enough for me to accept it :)
those r2hs were 100k when I played tho
How's CRT superior to LCD?
And how does it affect FPS gaming for example?
Atm I got samsung 2233rz which is an LCD with 120 Hz. It isn't as good as CRT, but good enough for me to accept it :)
hi perfo and happy birthday <3