District 9 the movie

Well ive heard its a pretty good movie but anybody who have seen it?
Worth seeing or not?
In my opinion it's no OMG BEST MUVIE OF ZEH YEAR! but worth watching nevertheless.
one of my favourite movies
It's good. Blu ray rips just came out.
one of the best!!! I still hope there will be the sequel coming out, I SO HOPE!
Ahh goodie, going to watch it now then! :)
since the alien guy said - I would come back to heal you in 3 years ...
the sequel will be done for 99% :]
thats why i hope, for the rest 1 % :)
yep definitley worth a watch, quality film
is nice movie
Did not like.
Its a much better film that I thought. The animation for the aliens is awful but it ends up being a good watch
nice movie
yep, pretty good movie !
Turned it off, its shit.
boring movie, no suspense at all.
it's terrible
it's funny :DDDDDDD
shit movie
So bad it's funny again sometimes.
Good movie...
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