[OLD] : )

Old Nice Post :P

I just sucked a dick :( Let me tell you what happened. Im not gay, not even bi curious. Anyway, i had a friend in my dorm room and he was using my computer. I was nervous because i was afraid he would find my porn stash, which contains quite weird fetish stuff (vomit/scat/bdsm). Well, nightmare came true, he found it. I tried to convince him not to tell anyone, but hes a fucking douche bag. He is quite feminine tho, from far distance you could easily mistaken him for a cute girl, his face is is amazing. Anyhow, im not gay so im not attracted to this whatsoever, but the guy is obviously gay. He tried to use this to his advantage, and for half an hour he tried to convince me to suck his dick, otherwise he would tell everyone about my sick porn fetishes. I was about to fucking kill him. No one can find out about my porn, it would be so embarrassing...so...i manned up. I sucked his dick, and it wasnt that bad actually. Didnt taste too bad, and i only gagged a few times when he shoved it deep into my mouth. He said he wont say anything as long as i keep sucking his dick whenever he wants.

So is this what college is all about? I have to suck dick for 4 years? fucking damnit, this is insane.

I'm bored so I post it again :P
que le fuck?
nice edit, now it aint funny. faggot

my edit was just because i wrote fagoot instead of fagot and now i edited again to type faggot

so is it better? he will tell everybody u sucked his dick
Related video, just awesome scene <3

ok man laughed my ass off, but anyway eheheheh
whats the show's name? :)
"Rescue Me", starring the one and only, Dennis Leary <3
great show xD
So I've been with my boyfriend for a lil over a year, who is quite large (just under 9" and quite thick). My last two boyfriends were about 8" and 9 1/2" before my one now (I know I've been lucky lol). Well while being home for the holidays last night I got in a big fight with my boyfriend, who isnt home with me, and I ended up going out for drinks with my ex boyfriend....and then we went back to his place and had sex.
but i suck dicks, and im not gay


well,whats better then? suck his dick for four years, or he will tell everybody you have sick porn on pc, which obviously shouldnt be true? and can be deleted instantly? oh,pls
i just like to suck his dick now, for fuck sake, stop giving solutions. stfu now
so you are like a woman. women speak to others not cuz of they are searching for solution but just to talk about it. apart of men in most cases..
sucking dicks is just addictive, try it ;(
sounds like a good idea, but no, thanks, I dont feel like a gay
In a strange way the Mentos commercial pops up into my mind.....
The "Mentos pussy"?
maybe try anal with him it may not hurt
make a deal and take it from behind
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