Teenager throws dog from a bridge

I saw that video yesterday night and i couldnt sleep.


thats a vid from youtube which doesnt show the harsh part of the vid (the dog at the botton of the bridge howling)

and heres the real vid


so this morning ive been looking around to know more stuff about the dog, Ive read hes going to be allright but im not 100% sure because google translater is shit


Heres the facebook group


some ppl is just mentally sick really:S

worst part is when u hear the dog howling in pain:s


heres a vid of the dog gettin treatment





look at facebooks group ppl keeps udating
i also read that he doesnt eat nor drink, hes shocked or sth


kk dog is going to get new home, they named him as Rudi or something and if i understood right the google translation he will get allright and be able to have a normal life again? hes eating again btw
I pmed him on facebook.
I lol'd. Fucking funny, dominant humans!
do the same with teenager imo (+ add some height)
+ add some weight
the guy who plays synthesizer agrees with you
someone needs to beat that kid to death, im kinda scared to watch it though (i dont like animal cruelty)
dont watch the vid... watch the youtube vid max. the real vid made me cry.. dont know why but i feel more sorry when an animal gets tortured than when an human does.

plus the dog before he was thrown was like so nice, not even whining, and then the fucktard throws him off..
what do u mean real vid? im confused...the youtube vid is a fake? or what
no, look someone posted the youtube vid till the part where he throws the dog off, so u cant see the pain of the animal while he is lying on the bottom of the bridge

thats the real vid


i think u allready saw it btw, cuz i saw the video on overdrives journal and u commented there
i saw the camero moving to the dog's fall and i saw him not moving, only grawling..christ ive actually hugged my dog after this shit lol
yeh and its pretty sad because when the dog was on the faggot arms he was so friendly, and he did nothing and bam he throws him off..
i better dont watch...
yea better dont.. just to let u know hes going to get new owners and it looks liek the dog doesnt have serious injures.
how fuckin retarded can you be. hope somebody does the same with him.
kill that homo
Its 1 dog.
your point..?

just get out form here really if u dont see whats its all about. was really needed to throw him off from a bridge? even if hes only a dog? watch the real vid and look his pain.

put things in perspective
all the human cruelty and u cry about one dog
I do agree about the human cruelty, but why the fuck they had to throw the dog from the fucking bridge? for fucking fun? theres no point in do such a thing
the video is rly disgusting but does doing something like this to kids for money make it better?
of course not, and i allready saw that
i would rather see people get upset about that, thats what im saying, should be quite logical

when theres no problems like that then ill understand something like this about the dog thats all im saying..
and what im saying that theres absolutely no point on what he did.

either theres other ways to get money..
well hes just retarded that to me sounds better than someone willing to do anything for greed
putting things in perspective doesn't make them any less cruel
this is just another point of useless and retardet cruelty done by humans... but in contrast to all this human vs human cruelty this can be shown as a symbol of useless things done in the world, since u rarely will see vids of a genocide.
So if many human ppl die every day, it means a dog death isnt relevant? Dont be dumb..

just what trigon said.
It's one baby. I throw one baby off a bridge. All the child abuse in the world and you whine about 1 baby. get the point?!
read all my posts to see my real point..
people only care if they see a video of insident like that and pass by others stuff just because its not made to them (shoking video) to be emotional (it should)
theres so much worse stuff that u could take action of
This is fucking sick, treating animals like this should be put on the same level as Murder and rape. I would love to stab this person to death with a pencil.
Hurenkind.... hopefully someone will pick this guy up... go on a larger bridge and show's him how the dog feeld...
poor dog
So bad, people like this should be put down like animals.
I did watch it too and was quite shocked, how can someone possibly do that and laugh about it and even record it. I'm glad you found the video about the dog that he is doing 'ok', I hope they will find the guy and throw him off the same bridge, what a retard
i would have eat the dog :(
go to a higher bridge, throw that idiot off that bridge, if he survives => go get him and do it again
or leave him there without being able to walk and suffering the pain, just like the dog did.

the dog was lying on the bottom of the bridge for sometime (1 entire day for sure;( )
i like the way you think
image: flydamnit-crosswind-landing

for many hours
somehow the dog landed too. pls dont remind me again:s

e: SOMEHOW????

it's called gravity
I feel bad for the dog..
luckily the dog is going to be fully ok again in few months. or thats what i do like to think, (ive read sth like this on teh crappy translate)veterians said that it was very weird taht he survived with such a low injures, from falling off from the bridge
Good for the dog :)
I hope someone finds that guy and fucks him up. Also heard that the Vet people will decide in 2 days whether to put the dog to sleep or let it live because right now it doesn't even eat or drink or anything.
he eats for himself again, thats a very good sign, lets hope they dont kill him, thats one big step for his surviving btw
People are allready looking for the person who did this it was a lithuanian, And you can see in 4chan all his personal information has been posted.
But I heard this was the wrong person maybe im wrong but I heard it was this one.
yes it looks like there was some confussions. good thing is that the dog is safe:)
Yes I agree :3.
And it would be terrible if someone random person got his life ruined cause they got the wrong personal information.
And yes I saw the video..but it looks like people everytime go a step further in doing terrible things.
this person should had to add some kind of description on the vid he posted, because on the way he did it looks like he thought that his friends did some funny stuff and that this is actually funny (i do still think it btw..)

lets see if the dog is lucky and he survives ( is not for sure that hes surving, in the next 2 days doctors can tell, if not his going to be euthanized :s) but he started to eat and drink by himself which is a very nice sign and he doesnt have internal bleeding either.

sign here if u havent yet btw;)

why cant they just go to the bridge and jump down from there themselves, hate this shit
k zag iemand het filmpje posten op facebook , maar durf er niet naar te kijken

ze zoude die mongool zelf van die brug moeten gooien , of een hogere zelfs

stoer hoor, een hond van een brug gooien en hem zien pijnlijden

fucking ziek man
:O to afraid to watch the real vid...
dont watch that vid...you'll be damaged for your life...
got 2 dogs, so not so good idea to watch yes
you're overreacting :d i for one am not damaged for life..
yeah dont watch the vid, im just going to tell u that the dog is allready allright, he eats again and stuff... he havent broke anything very serious so soon he will be 100% good

why the fuck did you posted this -.-" Now I am damaged for my life.
dont worry mate the dog is allright ;)

The vet/doctor video is fake you fucking idiots, the dog was sold to chinese restaraunt after.
OMG kill the fucking stupid guys

when i come back to my home by bus, the bus stopped because there was a bus stop, but the car behind has to continue. I heard boom, I thought the car reversed a passenger in the car, but it was a dog. In 2 cases, it's really horrible.
won't watch it, love my dog too much :<
I really wanna freaking kill this dude.
someone wants to do it with me?
Ripping away tiny parts from his body so he would suffer like hell?!
Actually, we could kill them all and make them suffer !!!
Are you people this fucking stupid ? There are millions of dogs killed everyday and held in torturous conditions in China and other parts of Asia.

In my last visit to Bangladesh I ate tasty foods made out of dog and even saw one butchered which was very torturous way, but tasted good after it was cooked properly.
Dogs are food. Animals are food. We must eat them.

Before killing the man in the video, there are many millions of asians to deal with.
Get a life dude .
The fact that you may hate dogs and like to eat them, doesnt mean that we have to shut up when we have our own opinon about this little bastard at this video.

And btw. If you wanna know, then I have fought for animalrights and I will surely do it more in my life .So you should better keep your mouth shut and keep your lame opinion to yourself.

Maybe someone should throw you down from a bridge so you would suffer like that sweet little dog did. And lets hear your opinion about things like that then.

Oh one btw more.
Humans are also meat, should we eat them too ? If you say that animal=food then I can say that people=food .
Maybe you should try humanmeat then.

common, this little dog is innocent and also all the other dogs. And if we here feel sorry for the dog, then you shouldnt come here and say that we are stupid.
Seriously, get a life.
You don't respect other cultures, are you racist ?
Asia and China have great traditions of eating dog and preparing it for many delicious dishes.

By declining the offer of my host who wanted to kill a dog for my honor would have been very rude. I don't simply go and tell people who have practiced dog-eating for hundreds of years and say that they and their traditions are wrong. Who I am or you to critize their humble ways of living?

Asia has also great traditions of dog fighting, which is very torturous form of competition.
Dog is meat
Freedom is slavery
War is peace
Go north korea

image: north_korea_jan_2003
nice try trying to get people all pissed off about this, but the fact that your doing this just makes you one very pathetic person tbh.

There is a difference between killing dogs in some game and throwing them off a bridge, go out, see what the real world is like
Tell me what is the difference of throwing a dog off the bridge or putting a dog in a cage and waiting it to mature 2 years and then butchered and eaten ? I find the first option in fact, much more humane since the dog was actually saved.

I have travelled world and seen so many cultures and traditions while you propably have never been outside belgium and you come to me and tell me that I haven't seen the real world ?
some islam terrorists have good traditions blowing themselves up with other innocent people, should we respect their culture also? You don't respect their culture? are you racist?
how fucking dumbass retarded mindfucked can you be

Let them have their stupid traditions ..that doesnt mean their traditions are right..if you like throwing cats/dogs/pets down from bridges/towers then there is somethign wrong with you.
How does killing humans and killing animals for food relate ?
Does Islam encourage people to blow themself up;
where infact in the arabic tradition that is encouraged?

The phenomena is the same as the Jewish soldier is courageous and the Jewish rich man generous. The race possesses imagination, romance, loyalty, probity and humanity in an exceptional degree, but then comes the fact that the Jew has been persecuted through ages so relentlessly that his survival has depended on the development of his worst qualities; avarice, servility, falseness, cunning and the rest and the same thing is seen on the arab.

There are some questions you to think about which I left unanswered, I'll go prepare a nice dish of butchered veal who did receive much more inhumane treat than the dog who was thrown off the bridge.
Did it have to relate? I was talking about stupid traditions.. we live in fucking 21st century and shouldn't follow traditions like they were followed few centurys ago.
You are fucking retarded, if you think that the domination of the planet by our race is a good thing then you are extremely undereducated and i suggest you go back and reflect on things again.

Yes, I am happy to be a human and be the 'topdog' race, but if i knew i was going to be immortal then i would surely eat only vegitation or chemically produced substances, eating meat etc is WRONG. And all though i do it, i don't LIKE to do it.

The fact that you describe the dog being tortured before you ate it backs up the point below, regardless if it tastes nice, chicken tastes nice but it is in a tiny cage, pigs, one of the most intelligent creatures taste nice, but they're slaughtered by chainsaws in warehouses. You really need to read your comment and reflect on it.

I hope you fall off a fucking bridge and scream while people laugh at you, grow up, learn some ethics.
QuoteYes, I am happy to be a human and be the 'topdog' race, but if i knew i was going to be immortal then i would surely eat only vegitation or chemically produced substances, eating meat etc is WRONG. And all though i do it, i don't LIKE to do it.

QuoteI hope you fall off a fucking bridge and scream while people laugh at you, grow up, learn some ethics.

Do you have any idea what kind of an absurd moral dilemma those quotes above form?
From my days when I began the journey of discovering Internet, I have never seen anything this ridiculous,naive and stupid.

Oh dear.
Elaborate on this, please. I'm not sure how you cannot comprehend what i have stated.

QuoteIn my last visit to Bangladesh I ate tasty foods made out of dog and even saw one butchered which was very torturous way, but tasted good after it was cooked properly.
Dogs are food. Animals are food. We must eat them.

Just the way you want a reply by using words like 'tasty' and 'torturous' shows you are begging for replies.
"Yes, I am happy to be a human and be the 'topdog' race, but if i knew i was going to be immortal then i would surely eat only vegitation or chemically produced substances, eating meat etc is WRONG. And all though i do it, i don't LIKE to do it."

You are no vegetarian because you are not immortal? What..?
What's the point of stumping my diet and eating things that are annoying to eat when I don't have to. I agree with the ethics, but I won't stick to that myself because i simply don't have the funds nor the time.

I eat bread most for most of my dinners and stick away from fast food. And eat multivitamins to retain my diet, it's cheap, and extremely easy.

At home i usually eat vegetable pasta/curries/chilli, but sometimes go WILD with a pizza.
Why do you need more funds or time to be vegetarian? O_o
To maintain a good diet you need protein, i'd have to not eat fish and hence i'd have to go for things like quorn, which is more expensive.

Life is too short to do that, and I'm not wealthy enough either.
Dude. A whole country called Japan used to be vegetarians. Your whole argumentation is a huge bullshit. Either you want to be a vegetarian or you want to eat meat. Don't come up with being a vegetarian is not healthy if you don't have enough money to give yourself an excuse for eating poor animals...
I hope to switch to become a vegan when I turn Eighteen, are you vegetarian yourself?
I had a vegan friend. I wouldn't recommend it, I think she's vegetarian now. A vegan diet is harder than most think... I think?
No, I'm German. We eat Schweineschnitzel.
Immortal was probably the worst of a word I have ever used.

I was pretty pissed during the moment, I hate seeing dogs especially be treated like this because i witnessed my dog getting hit and killed by a car around 2 years go.

Life is too short to change diet, but I will be doing when I'm fully developed, so 18 it is.

I don't know what that is in German, give me a picture.

E: it looks niaz

I think the huge majority of people hate seeing a dog thrown down a bridge. (I didn't see the clip)
yeah, it's fucking horrible, hopefully it wasn't anybodys doggywoof. But who knows?

I have a Weimaraner, i'm that cool.
You re just wrong.
start thinking

this is not about food, it´s about torturing for fun
Western culture has great traditions of torturing animals and yet you are making the guy who threw dog off a bridge a scapegoat for all this ?

Don't you see how stupid this is ? There is so much wrong in the world but you are concerned about cruelty againts animals which man tamed in the terrestial times ?
sir, you can´t argue with people by putting words in their mouth which they never said...

this particular guys act just isn´t right, nothing to discuss here.
I don't agree with that kind of behaviour either, but people actually making comments like that they want to kill him? Spreading personal information of that guy and actually want to hurt him?

I am sure that similar animal cruelty is made everyday to lots of animals but suddenly this guy is the only one who gets the blame?
QuoteI don't agree with that kind of behaviour either

what´s your point then?

what should this idiot expect after publishing that vid on the web...hugs and kisses?
If he is stupid enough to upload the video about this.. and be glad of it then he actually deserves the flame and some kind of punishment.
did they eat him? this guys just did that to have fun so fuckign fuck off really.
Some people are mentally ill and should be locked up for the rest of their lives.
tbh i care more about the dog than if it would be a human. human race has brought wars, criminality , disgust, etc etc we're just fail.
if a human wanted to kill himself i wouldn't care.. u human have always the choice fighting to get free ore do something ore not.
a dog /animal can't.
gtfo fking gaytard fuckface mongol, shitlayer, tyfuscancernerd... i hope the dog recognizes u one day and fking kill u shittard.
i agree..

this dog couldnt defend himself, dogs are so nice, actually if u look the vid the dog was being friendly, he looked "happy" cuz he was with persons, and then the faggot throws him...
this is just breaking the trust between that dog and all kind of human..
i just read that the dog is not as fine as i thought...

well i hope he'll be able to get a normal life after this even if it's a dog, everyone/thing has to right on equal treatment. idcif it's a dog ore a cat ore a huma he threw down, i wan't his punishment tobe as painfull as the dog's.
i would love it to kick that idiot from a bridge
Adam dit (19:17) :
*itt: people not knowing shit about what's going down in the world

-taken care of
this is not old, all updates been done today morning.

and he was taken of yesterday
this IS old
and what?
this is not old, its being posted and updated on this minutes on the national reportes of lithuania.

i ment that they are taking care of the dog since yesterday. and now they are reporting hows the dog condition (in those 3 hours ive been off have been posted more stuff about his current condition)

wheres the old news.

seriously guy leave me alone
its been posted by overdrive yesterday so its old : D
saw the vid from his link, then i had to look for more stuff about the dog, all the news about the dogs condition aint old, cuz they are being reported now. theres nothing old here, thats why hes talking bullshit.
was referring to the video
also i meant the dogthrower has been taken care of
so..? theres nothing old here, evrything is updated news. Theres over 9000 journals made each week with old content, go there and post the same shit? save crossfire pls
i actually do go there and post the same shit
It's extremely odd, the way I feel about this. A while back i went through my Btard stage, thinking everything gory was funny etc etc.

I would sit and watch people dying all the time, until i watched this video, and a dog getting beaten to death with a brick, owning two dogs myself, I was so fucking raged at the stupidity of these, and yes, in Russia etc they may be deemed as vermin, but mainly because they cannot hold the dog population cleverly or safety so allow hundreds of thousands to roam and breed freely.

Fucking retarded, the guy in this video deserves to be raped, shot in the foot, raped again and thrown off the Rhine bridge with stones tied to his foot.
that pretty much sums it up, yes
zeker niet doen , t is echt erg
not even gonna watch it... what can I say, it's a fucking joke that things like this happen... can't even describe with words how pissed off I get when I hear about stuff like this.
yeh better dont watch it, thats why i gave the youtube link because yesterday i saw the entire vid and im having a pretty fucked up day really:s
haha if thats your picture in your profile, I lolled! :DD

Edit: are you the submissive type? ou want to wimper on the floor infront of me with a broken nose. What ever takes the attention away from your HUGE forehead ;DD
Uniqe for animal president!
no comments for this fucking morons.
poor dog :<
The dog died :<

QuotePipiras avoided serious bone fractures but had many injuries to internal organs - these were in severe contusion because of the high fall (over 20 meters). On the night between 21st and 22nd of November Pipiras died.

Both "Nuaras" staff and we at Animal Rights Lithuania received numerous calls or emails from concerned people. They offered their assistance, many wanted to take care of Pipiras after it would recover (which, sadly, eventually never happened).
omg....:S man..
Cant watch it :< fucking 3rd world cunt needs to be stabbed in the neck and left to die.
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