g´mornin HoN journal

Good morning, crossfire!

Since nobody seems to have a morning-HoN-journal so far i thought i´d do so.
I haven´t played for days now, i think mostly since sunday so everyone playing it, do me a favor and enjoy your game for me :)


A Corrupted Disciple was sent to Hell for abusing his overpowered abilities while still beeing updated. As he was being taken to his place of eternal torment on a "NOOB SERVER <1300psr 0.7kd", he passed a room where a Magmus was having an intimate encounter with a beautiful young Succubus.

"What a ripoff," the man muttered. "I have to roast for all eternity, and that Magmus gets to spend it with a hawt girl."

Jabbing the man with his pitchfork, the escorting Hellbringer snarled, "Who are you to question that Succubus's punishment?"
Cool, I gotta repost my awesome kickass picture , image: 5. Need some nerd rage into inbox.
i did same with blacksmith
Proofs or get the fuck out.
scout is for fags
& your item build is gay
Shut the fuck up jealous lowskilled noob , you'll never reach quad/anhilation.
image: CroqueMonsieur

wanna play later ?
haven't played with you since GW, I'd like that
haha indeed! I don't think we did Bovine Rush Kekeke justice! :(
added you ingame now still no time so i guess sunday~ anyway gl until
i love the game, but i am terrible at it still.

i just don't get how you can farm experience as a melee at the start.

whenever i encounter a ranged hero, i can't get to the mobs cuz i'll get nuked.

you don't have to be attacking to get xp, if you are in range when a creep dies you get XP points.

last hits are for the money
what he said

and if you're laning 2x melee then it can be a pain, sometimes you just gotta stay back, move forward for the odd deny/kill then get back. if you have a ranged in your lane ask him to harass a little

also fighting at your tower helps, so pull the lane back if you can
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