analyze pokerstars

anyone knows a good tool to analyze pokerstars? (playmoney too)
doesnt have to be freeware

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what is currently a good pokersite to play alot of freerolls to win some money so I can play at moneytables.. I don't want to send money directly :)
full tilt poker
Analyze , lolwut ?
I guess the Poker Tracker is the most common thus best support and coverage. But why on earth would you want it to freemoney tables?
Cos I am not good enough to win money ?
But you won´t get any better by playing those, all you can get from those are the handvalues and actions if you are totally new to the game.
You start with 1000 Playmoney and there are tournaments with 500000 Playmoney buy in.
Ofc I can get better from it :)
no you cant because you cannot compare people playing for playmoney to those playing for real money. Playmoney players generally dont give a fuck and dont use their brain at all, you won't gain any expeciance if you really want to improve beyond the level of understanding the game.
Yes you can compare it... They are never going to have that much playmoney if they arent good. Also pokerstars holds a ranking of playmoney guys.. They even get money / week to spend at real money tables..
I was playing playmoney at pokerstarts when i was a complete noob and i had something like 250000 within a couple of days.

If i were you i would just get a bonus and play with it at low stacks - you dont pay anything either but it has much more sense.
Like hold em manager?
Check some torrent sites to get it for free
done, doesnt support player money though :(
pirate yarrr
Rather buy or borrow a book about the statistic in poker, its more handy and you can focus more on the game.
I dont mean a program that can show me the odds etc :)
I wnne have a program that tracks how I am doing in overall (nice graph of total winning etc)
thx ille see what it can do
if someone else needs it:
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