best country in the world
20 Nov 2009, 00:12
one of the best country in the world is Sweden don't have was not so much murder SWEDEN PEOPLE IS SMARTER THEN AMERICANS
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
switzerland is best country imo though
i'm right on par with you guys!
I can name you every capital and country in Europe and every world country except some bullshit african ones.
i had to learn that shit when i was 7 years old, u rly think i could care less now knowing what the capital of zimbabwe is for example? :s
That should illustrated the picture never the less :
found it :
do you know what the capital of new york is? :))))
Are you that stupid :P?
No offense intended btw :P
more than 80% of these videos that you speak of involve paying the person who is recorded a charge of something like $5 dollars to read off cards. also, you have to agree to have that stuff recorded and/or put on tv. if i made a stupid mistake like that, i'd opt to have it not put on the air.
And where u come from they obviously don't teach English..but nice try anyway
i can speak good england, swedish and finish so who is retard now?
Have fun with your "good england" fucking slum dweller :p
que tal cabronazo? :D
Shit spanish I know.. I only know few words from my colleague :O
tell him: te voy a meter un palo por el culo
just tell him, the voy a meter un palo por el culo. it sounds very funny when english ppl try to say it:DD
anyway im off i just got a debian and i want to put kde 4 on it! cu
Oh and just for the record, Belgians are smarter than Americans as well.
is there anything else to add?
Great succes.
GG Europe! :D
Full list of criteria used to judge is at
Was enough to make me think about moving :)
"An annual report by the United Nations has found that Norway has the highest standard of living for its citizens."
1. Norway
2. Australia
3. Iceland
4. Canada
5. Ireland
6. Netherlands
7. Sweden
8. France
9. Switzerland
10. Japan
Full list:
how r u btw? how going in et career?
Don't see myself here in NL in 10 years but anything can happen.
+ your english is so skilled