
So I'm going to Sweden. To be more specific Lund University, on exchange. I Arrive in Copenhagen on the 12th of January.

Discuss.... What should I know, What should I do, Anything I should really know how to say in Swedish? (Not that I'll be able to understand those Skåne cunts) And I've heard drinking beer at lunch time isn't a good idea (Being Australian this shocked me)?

Anyway, discuss.
as far as i know Copenhagen is in Denmark
airports n shit yo
why in hell would u go to Denmark just fly straight to the land of gays.
5mins of listening to danes speak will make swedes sound comparatively "understandable"

also cheaper flights spring to mind
poor shit hihiih :D and the difference betweend danish and swedish is not so huge so gtfo loser
what is it 5am over there? go back to bed child.
ye it was 5 am or something since i needed to wake up early for trip to university of luleå
hes bein nice to u and thats how u treat him?
Swedish and Danish not so different? Danish sounds like heymanimgonanadlfdsfdslfksdfl
While the swe's actually use spaces between their words.
danes sound like drunk norwegians :p
PS I'm pro @ danish (when I'm drunk :)
Drunk? it sounds like they forget how to space between words =D
Flight to Copenhagen + train to Lund is most likely the fastest, shortest AND cheapest way to get there from down under.
you should learn the danish for "boat to sweden"
u wouldnt understand the answer anyway :)
i was channel hopping on tv other day and came along some danish movie... i actually thought they were talking dutch the first minute rofl.. i could understand like every sentence they made :o
swedish aint that hard either
maybe for u dutchies.
i learned norwegian and can understand swedish quite well.. but daenish.. no way :D
And u should be ready to use phrases like: no, sorry im not gay. Please take your penis out of my ass. And so on
I was gonna say something similar :(
6 years of swedish has taught me that its useless to try to listen swedish talking people or tryin to talk to them, useless. So no, dont learn anything.

ps just take a whistle with you incase some gay is tryin to rape u
dude was obviously bragging with his inferior skill to speak a language we do not need for anything, yet we are forced to learn it at schools.
u fintards actually have to learn swedish ?? :O
yes, its the secondary language in finland even though mostly just some finswedes speak it. retarded to have it forced in schools since i myself find the language useless.
yeah we have to learn english :/ so useless aswell better learn us chinese
This has been insightful.
meet up with alexL, he'll arrange the rest
never heard that having beer for lunch could be bad, rather the other way around. it's apprechiated by the others I'd say, especially at the universities.
so your from australia going to a university in sweden without speaking the language?

if you have to do stuff like that to get a spot at a university: dont study at all, some people are not smart, that happens.
Thank god you know that some university's have their classes in English.
Germany is very backwards on that part. they dont have those things , ergo hurensohns usually dont know this shit
That doesnt come as a big suprise though.
germans only have some english lesctures in a master styding, but not all subjects and not everywhere
Actualy we have.
Just some guys here on crossfire have never even dreamed of something like university.
they have xD whats wrong with you!?!??!!
excuse me, but you have actually no idea what you are talking about, have you? :)
seems like you just made your master in world wide knowledge :) gratz!
1) Look other replies, I aint seem to be mistaking
2) I know Germany's educational system due to DSD and I intended to go study @ Germany. Most of the courses and lessons are in germany . Some special schools or some minor things can be learned in English.
so why's she having courses in english?
exceptions confirm the rule
god ure so ignorant
telling the guy who studies in holland not speaking much dutch?

still my (valid point is): why travel to the other side of the world to study? there are a million better places than (drop dead boring) sweden.
Quotetelling the guy who studies in holland not speaking much dutch?
huh what? I dont study in Holland?

Quotestill my (valid point is): why travel to the other side of the world to study? there are a million better places than (drop dead boring) sweden.

Other side of the world? Its a 1 hour trip with the plane? =) And maybe the university in sweden gives him a better education? And its always nice to be in a other country (Especially sweden since its nature is just amazing).
instant reply is instant.
senseless reply is senseless.

read again: i am the one to study in holland, speaking english so i am well aware of "international studies".

and he is from australia so sweden is as far as it gets.
Mh, didnt check where he was from =D But right now I am sort off studying in another country then my own aswell (Since I moved to Norway ~3 years ago). Although I speak the language. But in my opinion studying here in Norway, is just way more fun, we actually DO stuff instead sitting at our school desk listening to our boring teacher for 8 hours and then go home again.
I hate to be petty but ignorance is pathetic. Which University do you go to?
university of maastricht, netherlands.
and i dont speak that language myself, but the university if one of europe's best and roughly an hour by car from my hometown.
Lund uni is one of the best in the world that you can go to without paying like 500000000$
Go meet alexL live

anyway, swe is a nice country, been there quite many times and the language isn't that awful :P
the language is very similar to yerman if u compare words :)
true but grammar differs :)

Swe is easier than yerman imo, I talk it almost fluently with only studying it 6 years in school :)
But yerman I only understand fluently after studying 9 years :D
ok ;:) u was styding swedish, yerman and english? 3 languages?
and french :)

+a bit portuguese (But that I can't really talk :D)
lol so many in a school? or did u take a privat lesson?
It's normal for a School to teach at least 3 foregein languages. At least for a higher level education system countries. :)
In Germany there ar only 2 foreign languages on the high school (afaik=)
That's why your education is surprisingly low , although they high levels like universities are very very good. prolly the Hauptschules take the level down :P
yes, the universities in Germany ar on a real high level in comparison to many other countries. For a good reason yermans dont accept the finished university education of other countries coz its by far not the same :)
oh, u'd be surprised.
others in school (I went to special school because of that, in the nearest school that wouldn't have been possible) and pt only 1 year in uni :)

what about you?
hähä only 3 languages :( yerman, english, russian
well, if you count yerman, then I should add finnish hähä ^^

russian is valuable, luckily my gf studies that so I can always ask her though :)
^^well i count yerman coz its not my native language :)
which one is then :o ?
russian is my native, but here in Germany its foreign language :D Overall it means i only learned 2 foreign laguages :(
ok, but you are good at maths and that's most important ^^
maths is a 4th language actually, if u open a real maths book its a new language on its own :D
This is why I'm studying maths in Sweden :P Pure maths + Physics = god status.
ur styding maths too? fcuking nice! Seems like ur minor subject is physics, mine is BWL and statistics.
Btw u could come to yermany too, the maths study is here pretty hard :)
At Melbourne University, where I study, I'm actually a Physics major with maths and statistics on the side... High level maths is for pro gamers! I would of liked to have gone to Germany but not too many courses in English.
yeah we dont have many courses in english. In Maths they r for example all in german, at least someone can use the english literature. In statistics subjects in a master studies all the subjects ar either in english with an english script or in german but with an english script
Go ahead, show your portuguese skills to me!
only 6 years??? ur my new idol!!

yeah, kinda invested much on it in highschool, we had a nice teacher :)
The women are hot and all of the guys are gay apparently.
You sure nailed that one!

It's like heaven with all those horny girls and all those gay guys unwilling to please them!
Thanks, Crossfire taught me everything I know :D
I always thought swedes were on denial about that!
Shhhh it's a secret between you, me and Crossfire, don't tell anyone!
I do not get these "Swedes are gay" -jokes, because there are by far a lot more homos in Finland for example.

Just something for you idiots to chew on.
If you don´t know any swedish yet, no need to learn it, you don´t have time. But every swede talks decent/good english, so no worries.
I've been learning Swedish for nearly a year. So part of the reason I choose to go on exchange was to improve it but I have a feeling everyone is just going to talk to me in English!
Well, I guess you can make some quick small talk with it, but you will soon notice that they talk so fast and on different accent that you can´t really understand them. That´s what happened to me after 5-6 years studies :)
At the end of the day I'm a fluent English speaker, that's all that matters right?
Yup :)

And oh, remember this! You can´t buy beer/booze anywhere else than these specific stores called "Systembolaget", those aren´t open as widely as normal stores.
Yeah already know about Systembolaget. I heard you can go to denmark and grab booze and smokes and come back and its cheap as chips?
Not sure about that, haven´t been in Denmark.
"Ska vi knulla" is all you need.
Was the first thing I learnt ;)
Probably have the time of your life tbh, specially considering sweden actually does appear to be full of just hot girls.
well since you are going to Lund in skåne you are kinda screwed on the language. Even i cant understand shit they are saying. But sweden is a nice country and the girls are hot so ill bet you will have a great time.
hope u have a nice time there, and u will do just fine with english. and talking Sweden swedish and Denmark skånska is rly not the same thing :P easier to understand Norway norwegian then.
always reply with: "gräv bort skåne" when any of those faghats try to talk to you
nothin to worry about, there are friendly people who can talk english yo
ahh but there is some gay law i guess? they sell only light beer to you if u are under 21 or whatever :D correct me if im wrong swedjez
20, so np for him.
Thank fuck for that! You get laughed at here if you drink light beer.
By light he means 2,8% max. What a bunch of sissies :)
well you know, finland is quite close, if u change your mind.
Try avoiding falling back to english all the time, i know it's hard, but you'll learn a whole lot more Swedish that way!
Swedes are nice, they'll help you out.
Find some friends there who have lived abroad, they'll be patient with your stammering ;)
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Now that's sad :(
What i said was basically PIX OR GTFO
ok this is went far. is Sweden really that gay or just nerds making fun of a (good) country?
Sweden is just so openminded and equal, that´s it.
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