Hahahahahahahah fucking awesome.

I just turned on my pc and last night I saw we had only 2 lessons, Biology and German.
Then I just checked this morning, and the Biology got cancelled :D 3 cancelled lessons, so I just stay home all day and quit german! whwhahahahahahahah

HAAPPPYYY weeeeekend!!!! :D

so what's new with you guys?

I'm just gonna own CoD:MW2 all day :D

and I'm so in love with the soundtrack

fools luck ~.~
physics and history exam today for me ;o +other shit lessons
then i need to collect my personal evidence from city hall (or whatever its called) and glasses from optician (or whatever he is called).

and then ze party D:!
eminem is a big bauws 1love
hefvermogen 6 december bitch
Fucking tired at hospital, I only got one week left so im pretty happy.

Going to get wasted today obviously... :)
Swineflue, staying at home whole week :)
i was only monday @school 8-D
this is pro

children in need. in school in my bath robe. pretty chill. only really have one lesson where work will be done, rest is spent drinking tea. time for lunch.
old song, still good
go to cinema today with girlfriend :D
thubmsup song, onelove yo
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