Sad but true :/

Ovie, a half blind five year old African orphan, has to ride 7 miles to school each day with only 1 leg on a bicycle with buckled wheels and no breaks. Give just small donation of two pounds and we'll send you the DVD, its fucking hilarious!

FinlandKRP will help you!

But will Anonymousyou help?

Ovie needs you!
rly o0
DVD of what?
care? we won our lowest esl group ever
We also won our OC&ESL-groups :)))

You are only caring about your nerd career when ovie needs help!!!!!

In these ET-officials I have 10~ clans to worry about, 1000000000 starving niggers is too much. :z
You look like a fucking mongol..
you know, i thought that when i saw his picture too, theres definately something mongoloid about his eye area aint there....
JUST WHAT I WANTED TO SAY, like u read my mind haha
i can see him now, battering his head off the floor in a mongo RAGGEEEEE when his parents take his soft toys off him. fuck knows what the aftermath of losing an et match would be, but it wouldnt be pretty....just like him really.

i used to see him rant about nerds after et matches, i thought he was a cunt, i was wrong, hes just "special". not his fault really, i blame his parents for not getting rid of him as soon as they saw he was a mongo like a decent parent should...
: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and if u look good he has little dents in his face
yeah, those dents are from when krp lost their last match mate.... bashed fuck out himself for 25 minutes. damn i need a picture of that kid from the goonies.... its him i swear.
how mature talk from you. :>
you havnt even got a picture fs, i can only imagine the bowels of ugliness you spew from fella....
What my pic/face has to do with that reply? :o
sorry, my maturity was in question, i got all defensive, my bad.
I just think any kind of personal insults in intraweb are always a fail, same goes for taz at below.
it was a discussion between myself and hunti, wasnt aimed at taz, just happened to be on a public open forum at the time. you have to admit, he does look a bit , well, cant put it any other sort of slightly less cruel way.... he looks like a mongoloid.
I think he is handsome! <3
your country is a lot more tollerant of mongoloids. in scotland we throw bricks at them till they go back under the bridge they crawled out from under.

bad taz, bad! POW POWW POWWWW! three bricks later, no more mongo. sorted. bish bosh bash.
U remind me of Brucie from GTA4, some steroid junkie getting all freaked out about the most stupid things ...


Quoteit was a discussion between myself and hunti, wasnt aimed at taz
well,the stupidity of this sentence speaks for itself i guess.
oh please. try reading between the lines a bit and realise, obviously rather slowly, that i have been taking the piss for the last 30 replies :/ making someone look stupid is easy, as you probably have been shown in the past.
Quotemaking someone look stupid is easy, as you probably have been shown in the past

you do realise that by saying this, you are the onetrying to make me look stupid. and I wasn't rly trying to make you look stupid tbh, you are doing a very good job yourself below
I'm gonna sleep now and I suggest u do the same, goodnight
clap , clap.

sweet dreams :/
:DD ur fucking right, and then his haire, AWFULL!
mate, ive ripped the poor boy up for arse paper rather badly :( i feel a bit guilty.

lies :>
hahaha ;D He is just so ugly, should we put him up on a mongoloid site? we must help him to..
that's not really unusual for finns.
Maybe because photographer said to me put head little bit sidelong so it would be more cool idiot.

Quoteand if u look good he has little dents in his face

And "dents" because of smiling

Now waiting your pic :)
wait. what?

you had that picture PROFESSIONALLY taken? brb, need to piss my pants.


you paid some evil fucker to take pictures of you? was the guy (or girl) laughing a lot when they took the pictures? what was the name of the photographers? "marvins photo lab (we even photograph mongoloids) "
Yes it was professional photographer visiting in OUR SCHOOL!

Like every year (atleast in Finland) photographers go to schools and take pictures about classes and students and so on!

and btw

image: 8107_DSCN0203

I hope this is a joke
the jokes on you. im the posterboy for et. its a well known fact im the most handsome man in the entire world. women want me, men want to be me. deal with it, mongoface.
So you are some kind of mentally handicapped if you say things like that and that fat and ugly old nerd is rly you in that pic :)
touche' with your witty retort at "kind of mentally handicapped" statement.

i think you just confirmed my thoughts about you being a mongo. now dont get all angry and bash your head again, i think its had enough dont you?
Well thanks for the tip :) I won't bash my head like you obviously have done many times
my head has been bashed a lot of times, it comes from being rather large and threatening looking, people want to fight with me a lot :( the left hand side actually has a 10 inch scar from the time my lovely skull got cracked with an axe . yet still, im without doubt, THE sexiest fucker in the world.

Disclaimer * all the bashing it took has in no way ever affected my et aim or judgement, and we all know, thats what matters in life.
Like I said before: you are some kind of mentally handicapped
since we're now just repeating what we said before...

you look like the guy out the goonies you ugly fucking mongoloid.
I bet that you have really low self-esteem

Now stfu fat and lonely nerd
haha, hello , im kevlar. you've obviously never met me.

i have the highest self-esteem the world has ever known, i socialise regularly, i kiss girls , ok, twice. i have a penis that equates to a babies arm holding an orange. im a fucking legend you non-entity. loved by all, feared by many, a basher of nations, a lover of millions of women, and sometimes men as well if they pay enough.

sad and lonely! ha! i laugh in your mongoloid face!
You are a sad person
and you sir, are a mongoloid.

facts are facts.

now do youreself a favour spazzy, go away before i make you look even more stupid on ze interwebz.
Well I don't care if you make me look stupid here because I'm not nerd like you who look stupid IRL and internet

I can look stupid at internet but hey I don't care :)

But you even can't make me look stupid here because you are so fucking retarded and ugly nolife pathetic human trash
good, at least we can agree i made you look exactly what you are. a mongoloid.

have a lovely night. im off to make love to my fake girlfriend, drink my fake vodka + coke, and live my sad fat pathetic nerd life...

oh wait.....
Yea take your beauty nap, you really need it!
not being his friend I must say he isn't ugly & he looks like a man.
& judging by your pic you are a latent gay.
Its okey to be gay
I like your style too man :D
I'm sorry, but if u havnt noticed yet, i'm not a nerd like u putting a pic online on a nersite

ps: u don't look cool, u look like a mongol, like i said.
Well still you made journal and asked all others to post their pics and you posted your own or maybe its fake I don't know but if you are really in that pic... PLZ KEBAB NICE EYEBROW :DDDDDDDDDDD

And you look like mongol because your eyes are not at same "line"

And you should really go to gym...
Number 1. That's not my picture, it's the picture of bAnga, he gave it to me, and i pretended to do it's me.

And 2. You're the one who should go to the gym, and nice style you got there.. u work with the garbish guys?
So you are SO ugly that you can't post your own pic but you still laughs everybody else...

Low self-esteem with nerd rage = your sad life
No, i'm such a reallifer i don't post a picture of myself, unlike you, ofcourse.
So if I delete my picutre I will be reallifer too? :P
No, u will never be that.
so u had lowest oc/esl groups ever? Lets use our force to defeat the flamewar we didnt win our oc group since signum fucked our first match with his failguid and had only 5 guys :<
I knew that damn nigger stole my bike.
your bike too? oh my god :(
Why would ovie steal a bicycle with buckled weels and no breaks?
it never breaks?
woopp woopp
"we'll send you the DVD, its fucking hilarious" that made me laugh rly bad :D
you just got a Germany +1 from [flag=fist] Carla
taz = handsome homo
sad story bro
kevlar, ur even more ugly than this fintard so shut the fuck up fucking noob and go party at some irc channel fucking big head fucker
need a hug?
omg i learned so many new words today!! mommy is gonna be happy D:
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