Just got beaten up :<


Was walking with my friend to the home, after few beers when 4 faggots started to insult us... sadly my friend was drunk enough to anwser them...

i got two headshots, cant say it was strong enough to stun me, but then second one got my back and i landed on earth... after few[thx god] kicks they left us...

Now im sitting with frozen meat @ my face...

Where was the police i ask?
i guess it was arabs?
we got no arabs in poland dudeeeeeeee...
arabs only go to welthy countries
yes i know,like here in sweden :)
where was the computer i ask?

with that nick you shouldnt be getting beaten up
his nickname is greatest troll xfire has ever seen

when u see nick nolifeking first time u think that he must be the nerdiest shit on the planet but in real life he gets in extremely violent fighting situations and does every1thing eXtreme
pc was left @ home...

and real life is not some computer game or movie, 2 guys have little chances against 4
how about the game Extremely realistical fighting simulator also known as ERFS.. I play it on ultraweb sometimes, too bad you cannot connect there from the internet.
ha ha youre so funny i bet your dad always protect you
yes my father very great man,
if someone kicks my ass i call to my dad, he beats shit out of everybody
my dad is the greatest
he prolly hates you... him such a great man and you such a pussy
yes my father is ashamed of me,,, he sometimes says that he wishes that i was never born .. he beat me also when i told him about my homosexuality
homosexuals are gay... it fits you very well
yes i am proud of my homosex i love men
nothing to be proud tbh
You still havent gone through the phase when you notice that your father isnt a superman?
yes yse very nice, slarto
UNLESS one of the 2 guys is Chuck Norris!

fuck i smiled and my face hurts now :D
mama 4 versus 1 = win : )
wait, your friend gets drunk from a few beers?
who is he, alexL?
hes very slim, thats all... but yeah we could compare him to alexL
why not just triple hs?
its not ET, 2hs enought.
because i proned [with help of his friend]
in 2.55 you would have killed him :< too newschool
sorry to hear you got bashed. happens to everyone at least once in your life :( except me of course, im hard as fuck.

what country you from? is this regular behaviour? i thought it was only the uk this sort of thing happened....
polish wannabe gangsta... they are so brave in group :<
yeah, brave in a group, but go back now, follow one of them and cave the back of his head in with a brick, see who laughs the hardest!

vigilante's, the only law!
fuck it i need to save my beatyfull face :D
fair enough mate. youre obviously a lover, not a fighter.

heres a tip for next time...

1. next time your mate says something fucking dumb that makes someone mad, run. leave the mouthy twat to his doom for being so stupid. then go find a brick....
heh i couldnt do it... its my mate after all, i know him since we were 6 yo ... and i couldnt leave a person who needs help... thats how i got rised by my father
i like your style mate. good job! you passed the test!
thx man at least one adult person on this site :D

gnight gonna get some sleep... hope it wont hurt too much when i woke up :P
hope so too :( cuts and bruises heal mate, hold your head high cos you did the right thing.
1 eye automatic.

The other eye aw tae fuck.
France reporting in

image: Racaille-parisienne-001
"and here we have the NOT so well known french national pasttime, kick the white guy to death"

And this happened barely a few days ago, in our capital city, where the security is meant to be kept higher during those kind of meetings right? Fucking assholes.

(Story behind this: Mailorama, a company offered to give free money in a place in Paris. Of course, every african person in the fucking city showed up and they decided to cancel the event due to lack of security/funds to keep everyone happy. When nigguhs heard that they went wild and smashed shit around.)
ive been to paris 5 times over the last 12 years, and ive seen it steadily get worse every visit. its sad to see one of europes most revered and beautifull cities go to shit, but tbh, you have to blame the government dont you for letting it get that way.... im not only saying its paris, i think if you go to any major city in the world now, you have the same sort of shit going on in all of them. the worlds fucked. we need a flood.
We need to get rid of the post-colonialist state of mind and the compleasance from the Heads of the western European countries in having neutral opinions about immigration.

In france, you don't feel like you're at home being french anymore. No, you feel at home if you're from africa.

Racism? No, a pure fucking statement. The true racism is when you walk with your girl in the city and a bunch of algerians/moroccians/tunisians/blacks go around insulting her and you when they're in packs of 6 and staring at their own shoes when they're alone.

What benefit do they give to our country? Get ready for it, a huge, enormous of big motherfucking nothing. Our over-socialist "democracy" decided it'd be fucking awesome encouraging people to not work or to do illegal activities with mostly comfy prisons with cable TV channels and such, giving people who don't work as much money as people who do actually work and sometimes EVEN MORE, punishing racism only when it's from french person -> foreigner but watch the police keep their fucking mouths shut like sissies when we get insulted for being... White and french, in France.

tl;dr = Problem is foreigners, proof = Swiss.
EXACTLY the same problem over here in the Netherlands :/
and kinda same here in sweden :/
this kind of shit happens everywhere
sadly it does.

me? ive bought 4 shotguns, 2 snipers rifles and ive built a bunker under my house with enough inflatable dolls,ammunition, food and water to last 15 years. im ready for 2012. are you?
i dont believe in 2012 :)
i've got 5g of weed hidden under my bed incase 2012 happens
spierdalaj bo gocella na Ciebie nasle a on jest ninja
No kurwa jeblem na ziemie jak przeczytalem tego journala kurwa :D Jebie mnei gocel ja ssj4 jestem i kaioken + Mangekyou Sharingan.
no bardzo smieszne ze mnie obili, wyjdz na ulice po wieczorynce -_-
No na chuj sie tym chwalisz kurwa, kogo to obchodzi. Trzeba bylo im nie pyskowac to by Ci nie najebali, ale ze kurwa myslales ze masz kurwa respa za 5sec to sie dales kopac jak suke :<
radze pochodzic na lekcje angielskiego zamiast udawac e gangstera, to nie ja pyskowalem tylko kolega, i oczywiscie moglem spierdolic co ty bys pewnie uczynil, ale jakas solidarnosc istnieje...
Radze pochodzic do kosmetyczki i fryzjera. Moze jakas silownia tez by sie przydala, bo marnie wygladasz.
Ja bym radzil nabrac troche rozumu, ale wiem ze po prostu za mlody jestes zeby pewne sprawy ogarnac,,, pogadamy jak skonczysz te 16 llat
Ok, o czym chciales pogadac?
o tym ze przykladowo nie rozumiesz pojecia sarkazmu... wikipedia sie klania
Zapraszam do odwiedzenia tej strony, durniu :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Quote by wikiIronia
(Przekierowano z Sarkazm)

Ironia – sposób wypowiadania si&#281;, oparty na zamierzonej niezgodno&#347;ci, najcz&#281;&#347;ciej przeciwie&#324;stwie, dwóch poziomów wypowiedzi: dos&#322;ownego i ukrytego, np. w zdaniu Jaka pi&#281;kna pogoda wypowiedzianym w trakcie ulewy.

z rozumieniem tekstu czytanego tez masz problemy?
Dzieki mistrzu, od teraz bede wiedzial czym jest sarkazm. Mam nadzieje ze nie poprzestaniesz na nauczaniu tylko mnie, bo wydaje mi sie ze twoje mozliwosci sa na prawde wielkie. Jeszcze raz dziekuje i mam nadzieje ze w przyszlosci, gdy czegos nie bede wiedzial, lub sie pomyle bede mogl liczyc na twoja boska inteligencje ktora mi pomoze
no no pocwaniakuj przez internet, tylko tyle umiesz
rozjebaned ;D
u need person like w3DE with amazing muscles.
That's what you get for going AFK...

i wanted to stay @ home and play dragon age :D
You neglected your PC, and now you're paying for it.
I bet they were eastern Europeans/immigrants + that's why you always, when walking home, keep your right hand in your jacket pocket holding a key between your middle finger and your pointing finger. It's not a weapon so you can't be arrested, but it will do the trick if you hit the neck <3
He's from Poland, eastern European immigrants wat?
didn't check that :/
but then I was correct anyway since I said Eastern European OR immigrant, that's what the dash symbolize
Too bad there was no dash before but there's an edit sign behind your nick. ;D
ogolona glowa twarde uliczne slowa

a tak na serio, to chyba nie tak zle, skoro mozesz sobie siedziec przed kompem i pisac na cf ; p uwazaj zeby miesko sie nie rozmrozilo, pozdro; >
no bylo wczoraj calkiem git... jakos dobrze mi sie rece ulozyly jak mnie powalil i wiekszosc butow zeszla na nie... szkoda ze teraz mam oko jak michalczewski po walce ::D
morda nie szklanka ;-)
if they would do that @ me i would say "you messed with the wrong guy", grab my gun and shoot them right in the face
*fade to credits*
Where was alexL?
Gym - popping pills.
making nudepics with his 5 cars
inet hero :D:D
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