Web archive

http://www.archive.org/index.php << pretty interesting old stuff there

E.g. google back in 98'

image: google
oh the good old times'
i came up with the best joke ever, but theres no wtc.com page available earlier than october/01 :(
oh boy wouldn't that be funny, showing a site dedicated to the towers before all of those people died in a horrible accident.

oh boy.
the fuck is wrong with you

i tried to get a picture of my mate visiting the towers back in 00 ( he had a very funny haircut back then, i have to get that picture )

and youre coming up with some shit about 9/11, you sick fuck
Can't really call it an accident now can you?
you're absolutely right.
Ahhh yes, the wayback machine :)

Old clanALIS pages, which I still have:

2002, the first clanALIS page (my first ever clansite)
2003 HP, flashy, not bad (made by newMan though)
2003/2004 HP, flashy, even better! (also made by newMan)

Got some other versions, on my puter, haven't uploaded them though.
Return of clanALIS
This page is a temporary webpage of the clan. There is a brand
new homepage in production at the moment, so hang in there.
clanbase is still 20 years ahead of the curve of site development that others can only hope to follow
once they bring back login by qid the internet will be complete
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