Do you brush your teeth everyday?

Do you brush your teeth everyday at least 2 times a day? (morning and evening)
You'd definitely don't want to end up like dunZ. That nigger goes to the dentist every second day.
trying ghard yeah
have more sleep > brushing your teeth
I try to brush twice a day, but definitely in the evening.
i brush teeth after each "real meal(breakfast lunch dinner)
careful, don't brush immediately after the meal, it can ruin your teeth
1 time / day
I heard that if you drink coke atleast 3 bottles per day its same as brushing your teeth

So no need to brush I only drink coke
lol where did you get that bullshit :D
made me lol
in the morning, evening and everytime when i go out, more than 3 times every day
yep, after breakfast and right before I go to bed
allways forget. Some times i just dont brush it for a week :x

actually theres usually a spare toothbrush in my bag, i put it in there for camping once and it just sort of stays there now, useful if i sleep out or anything

had the dentist checkup a few days ago, PERFECT as always contrary to whatever preconceptions you have of british dental hygiene!
are u kidding? you trenchmouths lol i've seen too many brits with horrrrrrrrrrrible teeth
3-4 times a day everytime after eatin' somethin'
try to do it twice a day, morning and evening, but i always fail to do it in the morning. And be4 going out ofc
i do it once a day, but i have a habit of flossing my teeth when my hands are idle. keeps me from my other habit (biting my fingernails).

my dentist told me i had insanely clean teeth on my last checkup. NOT changing my ways!

note: my brother brushed his teeth a lot more than i did (twice a day but for like 10 minutes each time) and he ended up brushing a lot of the enamel off of his teeth.
Nope just on Sundays before church

image: toothless
2/3 times every day..
It depends.
Once in the morning, then chewing gum most of the day. But now and again (not very often) at night. My GF does it twice a day, and after eating fruit salad shite for lunch.
Like 3 or 4 times a day.
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