What cups to come?

What cups will come after EC and EMS to prepare for CC7? Heard about a Taggers Cup. What's known about that? Any prizes?

Anyone else going to run a tournament? Didn't TosspoT also announce something?
maybe myR will run a Cup with Servers (GS and Mumble) and ESL Premium (1 or 3 months) as prizes but not sure yet.
theres nothing else announced what you just said(afaik) because cc7 is in like 6 months and I dont think someone would announce his tournament whilst theres still 6 months or more to go, except for a lan tho(altho theres no other lan 'big' lan for all the european teams)

sowy for dem sheit english but im tireddddd
its in 3 months & 1 week alrdy tbh
who the fuck cares

ET is dead, been long time
there is a rtcw cup going on. tosspot agreed that RTCW would be the main game at cc7 when he saw the huge succes of it.!
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