
Why is OWN3D buffering so slow. I cba to check my download rate but it's slow as hell. Around 3 seconds of movie for 1 minute buffering.

Why oh why?

Anyone else getting this?

image: owlk
working fine for me
Seriously? Everything else is fine, I'm downloading @ 2.1MBps right now. So defo not been bandwidth capped. Has been like this for a few days.
i only get that if i switch to HD tho ... otherwise it works fine
Hmm, it's not loading in HD, before it could load in HD and buffer in seconds:(.

Do you have an account? I don't so perhaps they put speed limits in place?
nope , aint got an acc there

sign up and try , maybe they did do that
yeh got it aswell =/
Hmm, do you have an account?
Have it too, although not as slow as you and I'm from UK also
Happens to me as well, though only when I'm booted into Windows XP. If I boot into OS X on my other partition then I don't get any issues with slow buffering. Very strange.
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