Dog killer

That Lithuanian motherfucker who threw the dog off the bridge got 8 months and 10 days of real prison. This was quite a precedent cause never before in LIT that kind of verdict had been made. << he died later.
they shouldve put him to sleep with the dog
the dog died during night, and vet thought he was going allright;(
never gonna watch that video, just can't do it.. poor dog :/
i did the mistake of watching and still cant get it out of my mind;(
I clicked on it and saw him walking the dog to the bridge and immediately closed it.. must be something missing in his brain.. fucking sociopaths
i would throw that fucker over the bridge
i can't understand under which conditions you have to grow up to actually do this, film it and laugh about it?
i thought the exact same.. i dont understand how someone could physically bring themselves to do something as disgusting as what he did.

i felt sick after watching the video and to hear the dog crying was just aweful.
saddest fucking thing one could ever do, no words can describe how much I would like to make this man suffer...
image: dog-meat-25

A dogs life is worth 25 yen
actually it tastes really good, tried it back in 07 during my china trip. too bad its not gettin served in europe
Looks tasty :X
I don't care about that pic tbh. If people want to eat dogs, fine by me. Just not kill them by throwing them off of bridges, I would think people are insane if they threw a little piggy off of a bridge as well.
holy fuck :\
Everyone makes lol journals about people like Fritzl & co. and then cry about a dead dog. The interwebs is a curious place.
Deserved jail, he will have plenty of time to think about his own stupidity.
This world its fucking crazyy :XD
poor dog :( just kill that guy very painfully.
never gonna watch that video
those niggers deserve to be shot in the face
true, but still fuckin hilarious
not rly.. it would be funny if the cat would hold on to his leg... crawling up to his face and completely mutilated him ... and then ate his laughing friend.
i love animals, but hate cats so it doesnt rly piss me off that much but does annoy me that ppl actually doing these things to animals.
good job but he deserved more.. my heart hurts!!
oh my fucking god...
kill him!!!!!!!!!!
Keep throwing him off of a bridge untill he dies.
meh, read he survived, wanna undo watching:<<
died later on :(
ye, saw it after watching
its just to horrible i dont even know what to say :X
people getting killed, nobody cares shit on this site
a dog gets killed, everybody goes crazy

i love animals, havent watched that vid and i wont, but u guys seriously need to set ur priorities
and i know whats coming now "people are mad, doing bad things and shit, dog's been good for all his life" and i agree, but its strange tho :o

there are enough kids beeing killed tho
film how a kids get tortured, ud see much more ppl going crazy, even more if the filmers are having fun while doing it.

what they did on that dog is fucking sad.
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