Braundorf_final ?

anyone tested this new final version of Braundorf?

did dersaidin give the mapper/modder his ok for doing those changes o0?

Changes from Beta 4 to Final:
  • Map is brighter
  • Added more voice announcements
  • Fixed Command Map
  • Additional pk3 for ETpro (Fix of Command Map icons & adding more Ammo- & Health Cabinets)
  • Retextured
  • Based on Beta 4, all custom made stuff will still work
uhm where?
runs there
how bout more new maps, and less updates :(
there so much awesome maps. a lot of are marked by idiots as "old".

battery as example was a challenge for brains. over all maps with hills and valleys are not liked but they sepperate aimers from non aimers. nowadays there are only maps played (at cybergames for example, it's like an indicator of most played maps) with plain ground. normally u can fix your crosshair a a decent height and you got only hs. it's like made for retard. wait...
i agree with that, but why not make a new map then, with the specs u like? valleys, mountains etc?
apart of that, i can't map myself ;)

in my opinion there are enough maps. i mean see this list:

i guess there will be no more a uber-map everyone wants to play. there a no more really new ideas of objective play for example.

but it would be more fun in ET to see the community accepting OTHER (ofc playable) maps. this could be a way to stop et dieing. situations in wars became to much predictable
But less new games and more updates for the oldones?
Quote by SPU9did dersaidin give the mapper/modder his ok for doing those changes o0?

Braundorf is made by United Kingdom Brevik, not Australia Dersaidin
Correct, and I gave permission for neither of them.

Bremen_final is totally unofficial. And I didn't notice any real changes or fixes beyond the map name.

Since the sources for these maps have not been released (afaik, in the case of braundorf), any unofficial version built from a decompiled BSP will be lower quality in terms of texturing, and vis optimization (FPS, if anyone still has a shit PC).

talking about that and that is shit and yourself is not finishing this map. gtfo
who cares if he got permission, if the map is better than the last beta, use it, it's not like they get paid for making maps

but it's not better, too many ammo cabs
Ever heard of copyright?
oh come on, he's gonna sue him for reworking a map that's been in beta for years, right

just give credits and move on, I wish there's more people out there willing to finish/fix some maps
yeh but still takes a fair amount of effort to make a map
Wasn't saying he'd get sued. Was merely stating that a map could be copyrighted and thus technically a permission should be granted. Chances of him being sued if he didn't ask permission is very very slim to none.
what else is copyright good for
because et is free u cant copyright the maps, mods, models etc...
incorrect. perhaps you can't sell the maps you make for a free game, but you certainly can copyright it.
you can copyright et maps?
You can copyright a lot of things, including a map you made for a game.
Considering the number of ET and RtCW maps that have been modified and published without permission without legal action it's safe to say that nobody will care, except maybe you, me and my old friend Brevik. :P
nah, I wouldn't care all .. :)
Where I can test braundorf_final?
beta? :D:D.d.d.:D:D..d.d.:D::D.:DdDd

image: combo-breaker-2
Shit map is shit
i like b4 better
Quote- Map is brighter

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