windows 712344321


I switched from vista to windows 7. I had 3 partitions (1 recovery, 1 system, 1 data), I deleted the first 2, created 1 new one and installed. Took me about 10mins. Is that normal? Do I have to reformat anything or just deleting is enough? Does it matter if I kept my data partition?
i dunno mine win7 installed in like 10-15mins or so
+1 (and ALL ON ITS OWN)
That's quite a fast toaster !
Deleting is enough, as long as system files were deleted (boot records still in tact?)
yea, I dont have any .old files on my harddisk if thats what you mean. There is about 10 gigs on my HD atm, sounds normal right?
i'd format it anyway
I dont know how, I go to the place where I can view my partitions, select the ones i want, then click reformat, nothing happens.
you boot with windows cd or what? it should say that the partition or formated or you should be able to see that there is a small amount of data on it(cluster files).
Well it's fine then, but if you want to be sure format using the Windows CD.
Sounds like you fail.
windows 7 installs quick same here
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