What the fuck?!._.

Okay I've noticed that alot of people have whined about crossfire lagg and an error page. Okay first I was liek "wat.. mine works perfectly fine." But now it started to lagg on me aswell, and I got that error message too "CROSSFIRE_OFFLINE" or something. All other sites works just fine.

So whats up? Anyone knows whats going on? X_x "

image: 1
lagging aswell, ive no clue.
i feel like letting you down
It appeared here after we got all those banners and new "awesome" media group, which name i dont want to mention *coughheavenmediacough*
+ after cf was down for some days and everthing was deleted...

please fusen, tosspot and co...fix that laggy shit :[
slow poke as fuck
yea kinda slow
new killerlist coming.

ip scans going wild
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