need help from hungarians

heya dear hun crossfire mates..

I need ur help !

because in english theatre i gonna play a character who comes from hungary and therefore I have to learn the hun accent .
means: i want u to read some english sentences for me in ts/vent so that i can learn how to pronounce it + some hungarian sentences as well.

So if u are so friendly to help me, if u ve got some time, teamspeak and a patient character :P plz pm me.

thx in advance
<3 bine
I can do it. :DDDD
I hope you'll find someone to do it :*

e: fastestest reply ever!
haha :)
no u can do my french homework, and i do ur german homeworks in return ;) np
ya u are faaaaaaaaast <3
NERD chief !
Do not underrate my hungarian skills! :{D
sry dear ^^
i know u are omniscient and pro in everything
... not :P
gl learning the hun accent, u'll need it!
they should stop shooting in schools
ask Hungarybori he's a good teacher :D
good luck
how much time do ya have? : *
ya fortunately I still have very much time left.. probably we are going to perform our play in march, but ofc we ve got to learn our text at once..thats why i wanted to start learning it "correctly" = soundling like hungarian immediately :)
i can help u ofc
thanks a lot <3
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