cless bla bla bla

Hey, iv been inactive for about 1,5 months and im now back and looking for an active clan.


Poland ;D
Skill: installed et 3days ago so not sure :P
Class: Medic,Eng SMg
Age: 19
Ex clans: profil :)
Contact: irc - #hizzy or send PM here
I would like a clan with people that I know but doesn’t really matter.

forums >>
next time forum mate ;P

but GL bro!

<3 warzywka team :D
i dont care it is a forum or journals I WANT CLAN! xD
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^REPLY BUTTON also
med+ maybe?
wouw, you've really been inactive for really long(1.5 months is really long), so long that you've just really reinstalled ET(3 days ago!), and now you're really back
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