Cool drinkz and shots

Just planning with a mate what we are going to get for the upcoming christmas paaaarty 17 december where we just wanna get so fucking drunk. So we are trying to find out what we are going to buy in germany soon.

atm. we found some awesome shots and drinkz
just to share the most awesome one

"The Gaschamper"

2 cl vodka
2 cl sambuca
1 Coffee-sauser
1 Shot glass
1 Empty beer glass
1 Straw

1st - Sambuca poured into the cup and shot glass with vodka made in the center of the cup

2nd - Fire up on the Sambuca and hold the beer-glass over it so the vapors get into it

3rd - Remove the beer glass still with the top down so the vapors dont disappear

4th - Stop the fire, drink the shot with vodka. Take the Straw and suck up the Sambuca from the sauser. NOW take the straw, make it go inside the beer glass and "drink" the vapors

Well it's possible to make it more extreme by stopping the fire with ur hands or try burn the sambuca while drinking it :P but anyways u should get so drunk by it and it should be a lot of fun also.

Do you have someone like these? Would be cool if you got a link that describes what to do and which kind of crap u gotta buy to do it :)

Haaaave fun :D
Haha, har prøvet noget ligende. Men fjern kaffesovsen :D
Går ud fra du mener Sambuca? Smager det lort af kaffe? Eller kan man godt få det uden kaffe?
Nej mener 1 Coffee-sauser. Hvis jeg har forstået det rigtigt mener du kaffepulver, ikke?
Når nej det sku bare google-translates måde at fortolke "Kaffe underkop" haha :P
hahaha :D Min fejl så :D
go to a russian store
get a lot of vodka

coctails, drinkz n shit are overrated
I know one, its called Spain la bomba( i think its called something else cuz the only thing i can find on google when i write la bomba is some shitty cocktail), ill try to explain it as easy as possible. you mix like 4 different alcohol drinks together in a 10cl glass. then you gotta put it on fire, put your hand on it so its start sucking on your hand like a vacuum cleaner, put your hand off, immediately you gotta drink it up in 1 time after you put your hadn off, put your hand on it again when you drank it up in 1 time, put a straw between your fingers but make sure your hand is still on it so the alcohol vapors stays in the glass, then suck the alcohol vapors up with your straw and thats it:). It looks like abit like your shot.

Just realized im talking like a fucking polak with this low+ english but im very tired :<<<<<<<<<<<.

ill try to search the recipe but it isnt easy because its called something else then how we call it in the bar were we had it.
sounds awesome :P let me know if u find more infoz!
je thats good shot indeed.
Dont underestimate beer in Sweden even the kids like it
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I have tried this drink in czech republics biggest club, IT WAS NICEE!! ::)
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