Need to know command

To remove this text from the top...

image: vlcsnap134541
grandma take me home
wow shitty quality
b_numpopups 0
It's because of the motion blur since it's a moving scene, which is why it's blurry. Nothing to do with the quality :)

and b_numpopups doesn't remove that text
i make also screens with image, (old image > new image)
image: 1258927770-630

compare it with yours:D
cg_draw2d 0

make new crosshair in vegas(will also keep the dot white when you add color effects :))
yup, was going to do that but was hoping there was a command to remove it :(
what an awfull qualy
It's .. the .. blur

Here you go, a still image:

image: vlcsnap156098
i know its the blur, its baaaaaaaaad blur!!!
Imo don't use motionblur at all. I dunno why people started that in the first place.
Sharp quality >>>>>>> motionblur
you will have alot of problems when encoding if you don't have any motion blur :P
that's nonsense, encoding works fine without motion blur

Try it, you will need an extremely high bitrate to maintain the quality. Why do you think people use motion blur lol? :D
Nonsense, I experimented with 25 and 30 fps movies, with decent encoding the quality is great and very sharp. The human eye can't handle high fps rates anyway. The bitrate and size may be a bit larger, but that's not an excuse to use motion blur. Motion blur works nicely for cinema movies, but fragmovies are different. The motion blur actually shows as a blur, which is not the meaning of motion blur imo. Sharp quality >> all
This isn't my opinion, it's factual. Motion blur aids in encoding, which is why it's included. You think people have it because it looks pretty? Of course everybody would love to use no motion blur because then the video would be sharp as anything but you just can't do that, have tried it many times before. Need a really high bitrate to be able to successfully encode a video without motion blur = ridiculously high file size.
Awh well, with nowadays harddisk spaces and internetspeed, a larger movie is not that horrible imo. Of course the crossfire nerds will complain cause their pr0n download is limited for a while, but hey, I call that character building for grasshoppers ;-)
/cg_textscale 0
Stop making up commands :D
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