barça - madrid


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gonna be awesome what do i need to tell more about it lol
I don't mind a whole lot but........... Barca's going to win!

just cause they show the best/most beautiful football of the moment.
what? when ? where ? who ?
Barça will lose, cause they dont have messi, zlatan & abidal.
they have all 3, and messi is on the bench
yes 19:00
3:1 for barca
contact me for a good bond stream
I hope Barca will win, don't like Madrid, especially this year with Gaynaldo
Hes still one of the best, gay or not.
there is no better team than barça
It will be sad if madrid is going to win with tha fugly game style.

they going to do the same as all teams who play against barça = close at defence
if real madrid will lose it will bring a downfall to them, not only they will lose the 1st place, they will be 2 points behind barca, and pellegrini will be fired, and they all have to start again with a new coach, lol
this is how madrid rolls. and thats why they stink
same happend to rijkaard... if u werent so blinded by your fanboism u would spot that this is how whole world rolls
rijkaard? rijkaard had some bad moments he didnt get fire till the end.

u dont know shit about what madrid represents, and the way they are

and fanboism? rofl i barely follow football.

now gtfo
your flag says more than enough...

rijkaard had bad moments, and he got fired when he got bad moments all time... i know that real is one of the best team atm, with great history etc etc....

and if u barely follow football dont talk shit
U dont know a shit about my flag. u dont know anything about the flag im using at cf.

great history? half of its prizes are given by a fascist faggot that didnt want to stop match till madrid had it. idd great history, always getting supplied by governements

u dont know a shit, shut up really, comparing my flag with football says enough of your knowledge.
ur flag says more than enough overall, not only when it comes to football...

especially europe championship was won because fascist faggot supported them -_-
yes it was. and u dont know anything about catalonia.
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