The NEW ET?!

Video cast:

"I have just finished participating in a tournament for this game called Alliance of Valiant Arms. The game is a modern warfare FPS that is strictly multiplayer only. It has a HUGE Korean community and is just starting to branch out to the United States. Here is the Korean site also (Its all in Korean, but I was able to translate the page).
The US site has basically just started, and has a pretty big following in terms of the public community, but it still needs some good competitive gamers for more top teams:] ATM, my team(Team Zephyr) is getting sent to Korea in December(14 days), and it was for winning that tournament. The world finals are being held in South Korea for a 10k first prize. After looking around the Korean site, I realized that these events are quite common(2-3 a year on the US side and a bunch on the Korean side). If you guys wanted to give the game a try, maybe a reunification of FPS gamers to a solid game could help PC FPS as a whole"

At one point they are pushing a tank around the map and have to repair it :D Looks really good actually, might download it.

Orginal post:
i installed it for some reason but never played it

you installed it because i moaned at you to do so.

games wank and pointless, you do feel the lag and about 2/3 maps are playable

pretty much just like every other free korean shooting game :<
Tactical Ops 2
tried it, sucks.

CA still rocks it.
do not want
and what?!
QuoteIt has a HUGE Korean community

stopped at that part.
Played it for a while (just as it was opened in US) and I must say that it's kind of impressive - really nice game modes (Escort, for example), fast gameplay and not (yet) fucked up game balances with micro transactions just as it's with Combat Arms.

Anyway, those kind of games are somewhat doomed as Warrock and now Combat Arms - careless developers, full of obvious cheaters and turks allowed to play together with rest of Europe.
Sucks because it's another CS clone.
no way theres no game outhere like et :<
yup, sucks that there are no EU servers though.
i skipped alot in the stream and it looked okay

e: you have to buy weapons for wars too ???
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