ACTUAL shooting Brink gamplay

i just came!!!!!!!!!!!

ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

life is soo much better now

looks quite nice o.O
haha movement!!
The movement looks sweet, but the shooting seems really gay
reminds of fear with the slide
I don't actually think I shot anyone in FEAR MP, just ran around slide kicking everyone
damn when i saw the first video about movement i thought hmmmmm okaaaay....

but now!!!!!OMFG!!!GIEF GAME!!!! looks so sick and even the movement combined and all that fckn stylish

i love it!
How long has you played ET? More than 4 years?
fallout3+ironsight+et(lol?) = success?

lets wait

hope there will be SP -.-
more like mirror's edge, nothing to do with fallout 3 (so what if the world is dying)
looks like DOOM
Jesus that looks really graphic intensive
but iron sights :<<<< i want et aiming style!!!

rest is fine :)
shoot from the hip then? SD said it's much more possible than previous titles with ironsights
ok that looks quite nice, fingers crossed :)
My personal opinion is that I find quakelive having more options in movement.
But this remembers me about watching parkour videos on the internet by climbing up things,sliding,etc.

Its like Call of Duty on parkour pills :(
cod2 with this kind of movement would be pretty sick. shame it reeks of cod4 style.
do not want
Looks nice
do not like.
not this shit (ironsight) again... :-(

do not like - do not want
FAILED - again.

Iron sights will only be cool when you're a starving little zooloo or you haven't played a game before. Even the COD4 community would be pissed.
lets keep the expectations low, so we wont be disappointed once we buy it!
sounds like a plan!
looks promising even with iron sight and no strafe jumps(though needs strafe jumping)! gfx seems like ut3 (isnt it?).

have to wait for some more ingame vid..
´looks nice
actually first game i see with fast gameplay, so can't say it sucks
lets keep the expectations low, so we wont be disappointed once we buy it! (c)
damn i cant help it...have to watch it over and over and over and over and over and over...again
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