Pitbull Attack

Pitbull attacks with Akon over here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqCFZvU33WU .
isnt nice how the old lady treats the dog :(
long life for russia !
Why don't they kick the shit out of the dog?
lol russians :DDD
dunno, only thing i found funny was how the fat lady screamed, poor dog =(
poor dog :(
wtf, police reacted properly O_O

great sucess
no, i dont find it funny, but idiotic what all happens in poor russia.
yea i see

look this loool:
wtf @ police lol..... whats next? a tank?
poor dog :/
The dog is not unfortunate; it would be put down for far less in most countries. But what is bizarre is the fact the police were involved, and used guns and a jeep in order to kill it.
The fact they also needed a jeep to kill a dog is quite sad aswell >.>
How is it bizarre? Dog was a threat to (stupid) humans at that point. How else would you stop it? Wait for some animal control arrive in 40 minutes and laugh at idiots meanwhile?

Running it over with a car was probably smartest thing to do after unsuccessfully shooting it.

Think of the children!
they should buy some aimbots at nC
ur funny lul
cant see ze lol
nice aim
sad :(

great dogs, too bad they attract feebleminded people that dont know how to handle them

this dog is now prolly dead because they raised him wrong
what's so sad about it? what would you do if a pitbull bite your hand?
point him to the nearest ni99**

and it's common knowledge that agressive pitbulls were made agressive by retarded owners

read what i said : it's sad because this dog was brought up wrong... ofc you have to put it down once it starts attacking people
next time i'll read before i reply :))
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