Just got married!!


"Ha ha. All the dudes on the groom's side look like they are about to be sick. Not like the groom was gonna catch anything special, but c'mon. That beast is like a mixture of Rosanne Barr, Rocky from Mask and Sylvester Stallone. What a wonderful life those two shitbags must have. Jesus, if they have children they should be prosecuted for child abuse b/c no child should be subject to them being their parent. Fuckin kid should strangle itself with the umbilical cord to end the misery ASAP."
Nice Jabba The Hut you got there, but seriously, all you need is love <3

GL with your marriage, hope it lasts forever and beyond.
Buy a shotgun. "The Hills Have Eyes" is real
old, troll, newfag
care if its old? u still laugh at it, fagnew
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